[Chapter 4]

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"Jade POV"

"Morning Deb! I didn't know you were back from the trip!" I hugged her. "Yeah, I just came back last night. Don't tell the kids, they were already alseep when I came back."

"Is Perrie home?"

"Yeah, I think she's upstairs."

I slowly opened Perrie's bedroom door. Perrie was still sleeping peacefully on her bed, it wasn't really surprising, since she sleeps all the time.

"Pez wake up, I'm bored!" I threw my bag on her, attempting to wake her up. "It's Saturday today! Leave me alone." She groaned in disapproval.

"I know! But I'm bored." I yelled again and jumped down on the bed beside her. "But I want to sleep!" She groaned and placed her pillow over her head. She never wakes up.

I looked around their house, thinking of a new way to wake up her up. I ended up finding a horn in the living room, I don't know where did this came from, but it's good enough. I went in Perrie's room and searched through her drawer, stumbling across a necklace I gave to her a while back.


I arrived at their house, Perrie was fixing Jonnie's birthday banner for his party later. I crept behind her, yelling in her ear when I was close enough, "Hey baba!" It made her jump and fall down the stand.

I laughed at her and kneeled down to help her stand back up. "What the fuck Jade?! I almost had a heart attack." I hugged her for forgiveness, but she shook her head. It was morning, so she was still in her grumpy stage of the day.

"Come on Pez, I said I'm sorry." I chuckled, pinching her slightly rosey cheek. "I could have died though!" She yelled, I could tell that my actions provoked her to her limits, and she wasn't joking around.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my house. She shot me confused glances while I pulled her to my bedroom. I sat her down on my bed and told her to wait. Then grab a box from my closet.

"Here, open it." I said as I threw it over to her. "But it says 'Happy Birthday': Why will I open it now?" She questioned. "Well, it was suppose to be your birthday gift, but since your annoyed with me now and I was really excited to give this to you... Oh come on! Just open it, I'll just buy you a new birthday gift." I squealed and sat beside her.

She slowly opened the box, her eyes getting bigger than her boobs when she saw the sliver heart necklace I stored safely inside the box.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it! How did you even afford this?" She gasped. "You don't need to worry about that, baba." I laughed, shrugging her off.

"I love you!" Her squeal almost made me deft as she hugged me to the bed. "Aww I reciprocate those feelings, Pez." I giggled.

"Are you still annoyed at me?" I asked, she shook her head and hugged me tighter.

"Come on, the party is about to start in two hours. We still haven't bought food or drinks."

"Are you aware that we're going to be handling drunk people later?" She questioned and I nodded. She held her hand out, I grabbed it, and followed her back to her house.


By the end of the party Perrie and I started drinking as well. We were dancing madly through the night away, we way drank too much off our limits! Jonnie and Karl are really bad influences on us.

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