Doomed (Winchester Romance)

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This was always what it was going to be?  Normal.  I was going to have sit at a family table and eat dinner, pretending like we're all perfectly happy.  But the sad unknown truth was that we were all exhausted from acting all the time.  We were stuck in these roles that were given to us by an unknown force, but what we all secretly wanted- what we all yearned for was something that would take us all by surprise.

Do you remember the days when you used to dream of becoming something greater than your mom or dad?  You used to believe that you were born to do something extraordinary.  But then the reality of hard times hit you like a tidal wive crashing against the unprepared shore.  And you cried all night long, hoping- praying that you were wrong.

I remember dreaming of becoming a beautiful poet, but upon a series of unfortunate events saw those dreams ripped apart and divided like a million stars in the unending sky that I used to wish on.  This isn't a sad story really, but it doesn't mean that I'm alive at the end of it.  It's that kind of story.  And our story begins in a peaceful town plastered in the middle of the United States.

The sun shone brightly on my tan skin as I passed my pool to get my water cup.  As I sipped from it, I stared out at all my little cousins splashing in the pool as my uncles and aunts recalled past memories. 

It was like any normal summer day besides the fact that we were having a family reunion at our house.  My brother and sister were sitting on the little hill in our backyard, drinking soda and chatting.  I was going to return to them, but I suddenly heard my mother call me.

"Briseis!" she called from inside.  I turned around and saw her at the table filled with adults.  "Come here and tell Aunt Bev about your writing."

I reluctantly obeyed and discussed whatever little there was about me.  My parents thought I was going to become a writer or singer, but with each day I felt myself getting less and less interested in those things. 

I couldn't really put my finger on it, but it was like there was this sadness over me constantly.  Even when I wasn't thinking about it, it was there in the back of my mind, reminding me of how my life was slowly fading into a worthless routine.  Some may call it depression, others may call it a phase.  I call it torture.

"Oh Mary, have you seen the news lately?" my Aunt Bev asked my mom, suddenly a bright gleam in her eye.  "It's unbelievable really.  All of these missing girls around town, being taken from their homes and schools randomly.  It's scary."

My mom nodded her head in agreement.  "I can't believe that the FBI hasn't already set their sights on a suspect yet," my mom exclaimed.

"Well it takes time depending on if the kidnapper has left any DNA behind or showing any signs of a pattern," I said casually, taking a bite out of a piece of bread.  "So far they said that the criminal has been dowsing the places in bleach and careful to cover his tracks as to not be seen on camera.  He's good."

"Briseis," my mom warned me, giving me a look of disapproval.  I shook it off, already being used to it  "This kidnapper is not good.  He's a coward, and he'll get caught.  They always do."

I snickered to myself.  Life wasn't always as fair and as just as it was made out to be. 

"Bri," my mom interrupted my thoughts.  "That's enough bread."  It was my first piece.  "And where's the camera?"  I shrugged, truly not knowing where it was.  "You know where it is," she snapped.  "Go get it.  Now."

I stood up abruptly and went to go find my step-dad for the camera.  My mom glared at me as I walked away without another word.  It's safe to say me and my mom have a complicated relationship.

I went to go check outside in the driveway, but I didn't see anyone out there.  I sighed and turned to go back when a sharp pain in my stomach suddenly brought me to the ground in agony.  My whimpers of anguish were barely audible as I cowered in pain.

My breaths became gasps as I tried to suck in any air that I could get.  I wasn't suffocating, but I was barely breathing.  The stabbing in my stomach continued, almost bringing me to tears.  No movement or position would soothe the pain and it seemed to go on forever.  My mouth opened as if I was about to scream but nothing came out.

I was about to bring all my energy to call for help when the sharpness in my stomach slowly faded to a heavy pressure.  I was able to get my breathing back to normal and sit up.  I sat against the tire of my Acura and took heavy, calming breaths to relax myself.  I gained back my vision and coughed as I breathed in too much air.

I laid my head against the car and closed my eyes briefly.  I let the sounds of the light breeze and the faded splashing in my pool calm me down.  My thoughts were scattered all over the place, but something was different.  

The pain was replaced by a sudden urgency and an energy surrounding my body.  It was something I couldn't explain, but all I knew was that my whole mind was going crazy.  I couldn't control my thoughts or moods.  A bunch of emotions flew through me: anger, confusion, sadness, fear, and loneliness.  Some of those emotions don't really even go together which was what really confused me of why they followed each other.

As I was finally able to bring myself under control, I looked back to the party at the back of my house.  I slowly and cautiously stood up, but again my body felt different.  I supported myself on the car just in case, but I didn't need to at all.  I felt... stronger.  What the hell is happening?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and made my way down the hill to my pool.  I didn't even bother to look for my step-dad as I went to go back to my seat by my Aunt Bev and my mom.

My mom raised her eyebrows expectantly at me.  I didn't even respond as I put my head in my hands, feeling exhausted but newly energized at the same time.  Everything was just a blur around me.  "What is wrong with you?" my mom demanded harshly.

A flash of anger shot through me unexpectedly, but I simply raised my eyes from my hand to her.  My mom's eyebrow furrowed in confusion and... fear.  It didn't faze me, though, as the cup from her hand went flying to the wall across the room.  All of us jumped in shock and stared at the shattered cup. 

My mouth widened in shock, and my arms started to shake.  That wasn't normal, was it?  What the hell was going on with me?  Nothing about this was right.  My thoughts were crazy, my moods were unpredictable, and my body was uncontrollable. 

None of this was natural.

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