Chapter 3

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After finally getting a few nights of sleep and a few days to rest, my body felt at its maximum.  The undiscovered energy floating inside and outside me was ready.  But what was it ready for?  So far I had no attacks since the concert, and I'd been pretty much back to my old self. 

Well as much as I could be me with the strange feelings and emotions.

It was a weird few days.  I had to pretend like I was fine, which wasn't new for me, but I was lying about being happy.  I never had to cover that up before, but I just had this feeling that if I show it too much, people may suspect me of something.  But I didn't even know what was happening to me, so how could they?

It was finally Friday and my friend, Alec, was having a party at his house.  All of my friends kept begging me to go with them so I finally obliged.  I left my hair down and put on a short black dress.  Marissa, my friend, drove me to the party where we met up with everyone.

I don't remember much about that party besides that I was very annoyed.  I had no reason to be so irritated, but I found that I just was.  Was I like PMSing or something?  Because that's what it felt like.

I didn't talk to very many people.  I mainly just stayed by the bonfire, putting wood in there when it was needed.  I simply focused on tending to the fire to distract myself from the growing tension inside me.  My emotions were still a little jumbled, but, mostly, they were unpredictable.  I didn't know when they were coming or how they came about, but they just did.

"You've been out here all by yourself the entire night," another friend pointed out to me.  I didn't respond to her.  Skylar and I have been friends since the second grade, but, ever since middle school, we have just not gotten along.  And she was the last person I wanted to see at that moment.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled into my hand as I stared into the woods.  I couldn't look at her without getting angry- that's how annoyed I was.

"Okay then," she muttered.  "Dude, guess what?"  I rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn't see me.  "Josh just asked me out!"

I didn't react, I didn't even move.  Was I supposed to congratulate her?  Because that was not what I was planning on doing at that moment. I felt her getting frustrated with me.

"Are you seriously okay?" she pushed.  She just kept pushing for some sign of jealousy or envy for her, but I gave her nothing.  And she couldn't take it.  "You know you could at least be happy for me.  I know you told me that you had kind of liked him like two weeks ago, but I liked him, too!  You can't be seriously mad at me."

"I'm not," I finally said to shut her up.  Maybe if I say one thing, she'll go away.

"Good because he may have friends," she continued.  Well, it was worth a try.  "We could like double date!  I'm so excited."

I don't know what snapped in me, but I became full of fury.  I turned to Skylar and glared straight at her with this blinding rage.  I just wanted her to stop talking.

Suddenly, she did.  She started mumbling then she started to choke.  Skylar threw her hands around her neck to try to pry something off, but she kept suffocating.  I only kept staring as this power released off me. 

Skylar fell to the floor, barely breathing.  I heard someone shout at us as he raced to Skylar's side.  My power was cut off and I regained back my mind.  My mouth nearly dropped open at what I had done.  And this time I knew I had done it.  Something was inside me that I had no idea how to control. 

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