Chapter 10

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As Sam drove us to Garth's, the only thing I could focus on was slowing down my pulse.  My head was already filled with so much on a normal day without adding Dean Winchester to the story.  I couldn't understand how I had let so much of myself go.  I felt at home with these guys, but I never thought it would have gotten that far.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam asked, interrupting my panic attack.  He snuck a look at me, concern in his eyes.  "You seem a bit out of it?"

My eyes fell to my shaking hands.  "Yeah, I'm fine," I answered quietly, not sure if it was believable enough.

"Hey," he said again, making me look at him.  "You're gonna be okay.  I promise.  We will find this guy for you, and we will make sure that you don't do any harm."

His eyes were filled with such care that I truly believed him.  I trusted this man with my life even if I had just met him a few days ago.  "Alright," I whispered.  My eyes were now locked on him.  Sam gave me such a boyish smile that it made my heart melt.

After spending a long day at Garth's and finding nothing, Sam and I collapsed on our beds of the small hotel room we had to rent for the night.  Garth completely wore me out after a few hours, but he was a good guy.  It was even more tiring to know we still had more research to do since we have found nothing.

"He kind of tires you out, huh?" Sam joked.  I laughed and closed my eyes as the exhaustion set in.

"He's very energetic for an adult," I answered, a smile plastered on my face.  "It's just hard to know we have nothing."  I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.  

Sam straightened up on his bed and looked caringly at me.  "We'll get there," he promised.

I snorted, shaking my head.  "No," I whispered.  "I don't think books or research or angels can really help us anymore."

Sam stayed silent, at a loss for words.  "This is something far more than what we were expecting," I said, staring down on my hands.  "I can feel it Sam.  And I can't control it."

Suddenly, Sam came over and sat down by me.  His fingers cupped my chin and brought my face to look at his.  "This Phoenix, or whatever the hell it's called, is not going to control you," Sam said, determined.  "I won't let it.  Neither will you."

I smirked at his belief.  "You think you know fear," I whispered.  "You do not.  But if this thing wins, you will soon enough."

Sam licked his lips, and I thought he was going to go back to his bed.  Instead, he brought his face to mine and kissed me hard.  My mind instantly let loose and gave in.

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