Trouble in Paradise

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Paula was on her way to surprise Simon for their 5th month Anniversary together. She even bought a cake. She was entering when she had to stop and wait for the elevator. Her belly was starting to show now. It was more visible for people to know she was pregnant. She wore a sexy but not tight dress for Simon. She wanted to mock him.

When she heard the "ding" of the elevator she entered and pressed 10th floor. She was glabe there were elevators in the building. The 10th Floor would be too much for her to walk up to, let alone the 5th floor. She was listening to her surroundings the music in the elevator. It was perfect for her and the baby. It was soft but had a rythem too it. She didn't mind.

When she arrived to the floor, she step out and went to the main table to ask where she can find Simon.

(Paula) excuse me, can you tell me where I can find Simon Cowell? She asked nicely

(Secretary) that would be right down there to your left. She smiled

(Paula) thank you so much.

She walked off following the secretary instructions to the door. When she arrived she knocked two times and no answer.

(Paula's pov)

That's strange I knocked three times now and still no answer. Where could he be? I questioned myself. I thought of entering but what if he's with a client and I interrupt? I don't know. He told me he will be in the office till 2:00. He has his break around 12:00 but it's 9:00 right now.I took the chance and turned the knob and opened the door.

(Simon pov)
My day just started it was 8:30 and I couldn't take it. Lately, I haven't been feeling like myself. I would go home and find Paula sleeping. I get she's pregnant. But I need to forget about work. I want to release my stress by being with her all night.

I was sitting on my desk when I heared a knock at my door. I yelled " come in" and the person that enters was my ex Claudia. What was she doing here? How did she find me. We broke up a long time ago. What does she want? I questioned.

( Simon) what are you doing here? I asked her
while standing up.

( Claudia) I wanted to talk to you. I can't do that? She smirked at me

(Simon) what is it that you want?

( Claudia) I want you. That's what I want.
She came toward me and stood in front of me.

I missed you she said

( Simon) I need you to leave Claudia now.

Next thing I know she pushes herself to me. Pressing her lips against mine. She Begins by taking my dress coat away. I have to admit I haven't been with Paula for 3 months. I wanted her more than ever. I needed to extract myself from all my paper work.

(Paula's Pov)

By the time the door flies open I find myself looking at Simon with a women kissing right in front of me. How could he do this? Knowing I'm pregnant with our baby. I dropped the cake and ran inside and yelled at him.

"IS THIS WHY YOU COME TO WORK EARLY? TO FUCK HER?" I yelled, tears starting to form and letting loose.


I looked at the bitch having the nerve to even kiss him and touch him. I ran out of the room faster then I can imagine running. I felt my heart break into millions of pieces. This was the reason I didn't want to start serious relationship so soon. Especially, after the insistent.

Well she can have him all to herself now. I don't want to know nothing about SIMON Cowell ever again.

I took a cab home and rushed to pack all my belongings and my babies belongings as well. There was no way on earth I am still living with this jerk. I knew he would come after me and explain and convince me to forgive him. That won't be happening.

He knew I wasn't ready to start to " love again." He knew that. He not only hurt me but also our baby. Scratch that, my baby. If he couldn't be a partner to me what would make him a father?

I grabbed anything I laid eyes on. When I finished packing. I saw a picture of me and Simon on our night stand. I remember that day like it was yesterday. We wanted a picture of all three of us by the park. He placed his hands and mine on top of my belly.

I Ripped the picture off. There is no more " us" anymore. I hated him for that. I can't forgive him. Only months away till the baby comes. He does this and on our anniversary.

I couldn't be here. I grabbed my suit case and exited the home I once called " our home" it will never me the same.

(Simon pov)
I was kissing Claudia when I open my eyes and see Paula standing in front of me. How could I be so stupid. I didn't mean to kiss her. I wasn't feeling like myself lately. I just needed to kiss someone and bam she kisses me.



P... I tried to talk to her

No! I don't need a reason. We are done. She shouted at me.

My heart broke. I Completly, I lost her. Not only her but our baby. I lost her love, trust and friendship. How could I've let Claudia control me like that. She's the reason this happened.

I looked at her with anger and walked to her and yelled " GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW"

"Simon you don't need her, she doesn't love you" she responded

Oh really, then why was she with Kissing her ex John Caprio? She grabbed her purse and pulled out a picture of her and John.

This couldn't be, her and John together and kissing. No, she's lying.

YOUR LYING! I shouted.

No, honey I'm not. But wait look.
She pointed.

Do you see she's kissing him while carrying your baby.

She was right. She was pregnant in the picture. This was recent. I couldn't believe it.

I had to talk to her right now. I left Claudia. I didn't care about her right now. All I cared was to find out the truth. I was holding the picture while entering my building. I was really to confront her about her and that stupid John Caprio. How could she even do that. While carrying my child. I can't even imagine what else she did with him.

I reached my floor and was about to unlock my front door when it flew open. Standing right there was herself, Paula with two luggages.

She was about to leave. I'm glabe I came just in time. I wasn't letting her go easily.


To be continued...

Hey guys I'm feeling a little better. I didn't go to school today so I decided to update a new chapter and I hope you love it. Let me know by liking or commenting? Please?
Thanks Shalen

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