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its been two weeks since Simon and Paula, have slept together. Everything was wonderful for both of them. They went to dinner dates and movie dates. That loved spending time together. It was a Tuesday after noon, when Paula wasn't feeling like herself. She felt dizzy and had the eager to throw up. Simon was working that afternoon. Paula headed upstairs to their master bedroom, which had a bathroom and stayed there for 20 minutes. When she got out she decided to call simon

*Over the phone*

(Paula): hey honey?

(Simon): hey babe what's up?

(Paula); I'm not feeling well. I've been having dizziness and been vomiting. Can you come to the house? Please.

(Simon): okay darling. I'll be home in 10 minutes okay let me just finish these documents okay?

(Paula): okay. Said with a weak voice.

10 minutes later....

Simon was entering the house. He took off his suit and shoes. He walked straight to their bedroom. When he got there he found the bathroom door open. He walked in and his heart was broken of the view. She was siting by the tube. So weak and she was so tired of all of this. Simon walked up to her and hugged her.

(Simon)oh, darling. We should go to the hospital to get you checked out.

( Paula): I don't like hospitals. She said

(Simon): me neither but if they will help you to feel much better than it's worth it okay.

(Paula): okay. Just let me brush my teeth and than we can go.

(Simon): okay. Love you.

While they were driving to go to the hospital, Simon was thinking to himself about Paula. What can be wrong with her?? Is she going to be alright? I can't imagine my life without her. He thought. Paula in the other hand, was nervous as well. She couldn't think straight. What was wrong with her??

When they arrived at the hospital, they entered in the wasting room. The nurse came and took their information down. The nurse took some blood from Paula to see what's wrong with her. Paula and Simon were waiting for the results to come back.

2:00 hours later......

Dr. Maxwell comes inside their hospital room with the results. He stands next to Paula.

(DR.max): hello, Ms. Abdul. How are you feeling? He said staring at her.

(Paula): much better, than before. Thank you. What's wrong with me doctor? She was worried

(DR. Max): Paula, what you have been experiencing is pregnancy. Congratulations, you are 2 weeks along!

Paula was shocked. I'm pregnant? She kept asking herself over and over again. I can't believe it. She looked over at Simon who didn't blink at all. She was scared of his reaction.

(Simon): Paula. Honey were are going to have a baby. He stood up from his chair and hugged Paula. He kissed her with so much passion. He was excited. I can't believe it. There's a baby inside you! He started to laugh.

(Paula); I know honey, I know. She said smiling.

4 weeks later........

Paula was now 6 weeks pregnant. Her pregnancy was going well. The only thing was Paula had a huge appetite. She would eat in the morning and in the night. Simon even had to wake up in the middle of the night to buy her, her desire. He didn't mind, knowing Paula and his baby were fine. He loved seeing her eat a big plate. She looked cute eating it. He loved her so much and the baby.

It was morning and Paula was sleeping peacefully with her hand holding her visible belly. Simon was staring at her beauty. He couldn't believe she was pregnant with his baby. He loved her so much. He would have many children with Paula as possible. She looked more beautiful during her pregnancy. She would glow so beautifully, that it made Simon want her so badly. Simon leaned in and gave her a smooth and passion kiss. She opened her eyes and noticed simon staring at her. She blushed and smiled at him.

One more chanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن