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(Paula's pov)
I was on my way leaving. I opened the door and I saw him, Simon. I couldn't even make eye contact with him. It hurt to much. I had to relax. This isn't good for the baby. I don't want nothing to happen to my baby. She or he is so innocent. Just growing and developing inside of me. She or her didn't deserve this.

I tried to pretend he wasn't standing there and tried to walk passed him but he wouldn't let me. He was holding something. I couldn't see what exactly but, it was something. I didn't care right now. I just want to go to a hotel and rest and let the pain flood away.

" excuse me" I said

Nothing. He just looked at me. I tilted my head up and made eye contact with him. He was crying, his eyes were blood red. Why was he crying?

" Simon excuse me"

" you aren't leaving"

" why is that, you can't stop me" I told him

" I won't let you leave until you explain this to me first"
He said holding a picture of me and omg John kissing. How... Who showed him this picture?

" why are you quite?" Ah? He looked at me.

" who showed you this picture"

" doesn't matter who, I want to know why were you kissing your ex while carrying my child" I shouted

" DONT, yell at me"


" it was a mistake, I didn't kiss him. He kissed me." I told him.

" why were you with him in the first place" huh? " " answer me"

" why do I have to explain it to you anyways, we aren't together"

" we were together back then, you should of told me"

" what, did you like kissing him? He mocked me.

Wait did you sleep with him too?


" I bet you loved it"

I slapped him across his face. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to leave right now. I didn't want him to see me weak. I would never cheat on him. NEVER, I loved him.



I grabbed my two suit cases and ran to the door. I ran but I felt his arm grab my waist. I tried to get him off of me but failed. He was too strong for me especially being pregnant. I kicked him and threw punches  but I just couldn't escape his embrace.

" let me go Simon" I shouted

" no, you aren't going anywhere"

" please... Let me go"

" why, so you can run to your lover and fuck him. Make love to him to escape the pain and hurt your feeling right now."

" Simon I'm pregnant, I wouldn't do that" " I wouldn't hurt my baby" " I would never sleep with someone"

I looked at him straight in his eyes while tears escaped. He hurt me worse. How can he believe I would sleep with another man while being pregnant? This wasn't Simon. Not the man I first met and fell in love with.

I pushed him enough to escape his embrace. I hated him 10 times more then before. I never want to see him ever again. I don't want my baby to know his parents are separated. But in reality, he or she would know.

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