I love you

470 9 3

(Paula's pov)

Okay its 1 month without Simon. One month having my heart still in pain and torn apart. One more month with my a baby. I can't wait to see him or her. Carry her/him. Feed and play with him/her. I couldn't wait.

I woke up, at 6:00 and got ready to work. I had to be at work by 9:00. I had time, since I'm pregnant I had an excuse. I took a very quick warm shower. I put on a loose dress ( dancing dress). I exited my home. Yes, home I bought a home last two weeks. It's big esnough for me and the baby maybe even bigger.

I arrived at work and entered my office. I am a music teacher/ dance teacher. I had my own studio and its growing every single day. I love my job. I don't even call it work because it's something I love to do.

It was 12:00pm and my dance students have arrived. They got ready by warming up. I love there spirit and how much they enjoy to dance.

" okay, everyone. One Two three begin."

They started dancing the routine. They were so good, no they were excellent. They will be amazing professional dancers when they are older.

One hour past and the class was about to end.
I only had 10 more minutes to tell them we have a talent show next week at 6:00pm.

" great job everyone. You guys make me so proud. We have a talent show next week at 6:00 everyone. I will email your parents more information." For right now, just keep up the good work by practicing."

Before they left. I always made this routine for all of us to huge each other. I loved them as my own. They were excited about the baby. One of my students told me they would teach him or her to dance.

When everyone left, it was my turn to take a break. All that dancing was tiring for me. Even though I danced a bit. I walked to my office, when there was a knock.

" Come in!" I yelled as I was standing up.

" Simon?" What are you doing here"

" I wanted to talk to you and apologize"

" there's nothing to apologize Simon" " you didn't believe me and accused me in having sex with John while pregnant with our baby"

Oh no, i felt my eyes starting to water. I hated that fact him seeing me in pain.

" I'm sorry, I didn't want to believe it but when I saw that picture I couldn't handle it"

" you are mine and only mine"

" I'm not yours or anyone's at the moment"

" Paula please forgive me. I love you, I love our baby"

" please leave Simon, your making it harder for both of us." I looked at him.

Then he left. I still loved him, but it will take him much more to make me forgive him. I still needed time to forgive him.

After he left, I was getting ready to leave as well. It was a Saturday so my classes ended earlier. I hate feeling heart Broken. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a distraction from Simon. I knew what I was going to do was something I will never forget but I had to do it.

Since it was a Saturday, I decided to go out to the club. I just wanted to dance and let loose. I know the club was not a place for a pregnant women but I needed to let loose.

I put on a red dress that fit my body perfectly and a pair of not so high heels. When I arrived I was ready to dance. The music was loud and amazing.. I say for a while and drank some water. Since I couldn't drink. I was having a blast. When a man came towards me.

" may I ask why, such a beautiful women is alone?"

"Hi, my name is Mark."

Hi, my name is Paula"

" would you like me to buy you a drink?"

" No.. I can't drink" I said touching my belly.

" your pregnant? How far along are you?" He asked me

" about 5 months."

" where is the baby's father? If it's okay me asking."

" we aren't together, if that's what you want to know." I said as a tear escapes my eye.

He walked towards me and placed his hand on my check cleaning my tear stain.
"Don't cry, I'll make sure you forget of him tonight" he told me

" How?" I said

" I'll show you"

He pulled me from my chair and leads me towards the dance floor. He grabbed my waist gently not to hard and we started to dance.

He danced so well. He was so gentle and such a gentleman. I loved the way he moved to the music. He was something alright.

We danced all night.. It was getting late, I decided to leave before the sun sets. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He made me forget about Simon tonight.

" thanks for tonight" I told him smiling

" no problem, it was my pleasure"

" I have to go, it's getting late"

" mind if I drop you home? "

" I don't know"

" please Paula. I wouldn't hurt you"


When we arrived. I thank him for tonight. He kissed me and I kissed him back. It was a friendly kiss that's all right? We exchanged numbers and he left.

I had a great night tonight.


What will happen???
I love it..
Let me know guys

One more chanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz