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It was Monday morning. Mark and me have been texting each other none stop. He wants to see me at work today. I made sure to wear something revealing. I wore this baby blue dress. It was perfect for my forming body. I was starting to get to know Mark more every day. I don't know if I should start anytime soon  a Relationship.

When I arrived at work everything was smooth and fun. My students did very single steps and moves that they were told. I loved them so much. Class needed around 2:00 today. After they left, I went to my office and sat and waited for Mark to come. About 1 hour later I heard the door open. I turned my face to the door and saw him walk inside.

He came towards me and kissed me.

" I missed you" he kissed me again.

" I can see that" I said

I Smiled at him and looked away from him. He noticed my face expression changed.

" what's wrong Paula?"

" Nothing, why do you ask"

" I can see there's something bothering you"

" it's just I don't know I should start a relashionship so soon" " especially, being pregnant with some else's baby" " it wouldn't be fair for you"

" I love you Paula so much, I wouldn't hurt you. When I first met you I was stunned by how beutiful you are. You are more beutiful being pregnant. That man is so stupid to let you go. I would do anything for you to carry my baby. Talking about the baby, I don't care if the baby isn't mine. I would love the baby as if you are carrying mine own."

" please Paula give me a chance? " he started to kiss my neck.

I was emotionally blown away by this words. He was right Simon is stupid by letting me go. He really loved me. Should I give him a chance? I don't want to get hurt again.

" okay, ill give "us" a chance"

He made the cutest smile ever. He grabbed me and kissed me so hard I forgot what I was thinking about. I kissed him passionately. When we parted, he turned me around looked at me up and down.

" you look amazing"

" thank you" I blushed

We danced all afternoon. I couldn't believe I was falling for this man. He was so sweet and romantic. I loved it. He helped me change my world from falling apart to building myself up.

It was getting late. Me and Mark planned to stay at my house for the night. Maybe watch a movie or something. He hoped me clean and organize the studio for the next day.

We were finishing cleaning and started to get ready to leave. When someone enters the studio.

" Honey, someone's at the door" Mark told me

" can you tell him or her that we are closed for the day"

" he won't listen"

" I grabbed me bag and went to see the person that won't understand to leave.

" Simon?" " what are you doing here"

" I came to visit you, but by the looks of it you are having company"

" Simon, meet Mark.."

" I'm her boyfriend"

I staried at Simon, he was angry. I knew Simon very well to know what he was feeling. It seem like he wanted to punch him so bad.

" Boyfriend?" " we break up one month ago and now you have a BOYFRIEND?"

" Simon please stop"

" NO, I won't allow it. That's my baby you are
carrying and now you have a Boyfriend.
I won't let my baby think that's his/her father."

" leave Simon! Now"

" I won't be leaving without you, I need to talk to you"

" Simon I don't want to talk, don't you get it"

" So it is over between us then..."

" I didn't want this." " you believe your Ex instead of me"

" whatever, have fun with your boyfriend."

He went to Mark and said
" if you hurt her or my baby, I will Hurt you"

" that won't happen" He responded

Me and Mark have been two months together. My belly is growing every day. Mark is so patient with me. I get really emotional and cranky all the time. He understands me. I feel loved. My baby feels loved.

I was cooking dinner. I was making steak with salad, wine for him and water for me. I love to drink wine with dinner. Well I used too. Today is our two month anniversary. I want tonight to go perfectly. He was all I had and of coarse my bundle of joy.

I felt a muscular and strong arm around me. I knew who it was. I stopped what I was doing and turned around. I placed a sweet kiss on this lips.

" hello, sexy"

" hi"

" I'm so lucky"

"Really? How so?"

"I have a gorgeous women standing in front of me. She's so amazing. She can also cook. What else can a man have ask for.

" aww, honey. I love you too"

" you know I do too"

Mark set the table and I served the food and we started to talk about work and random stuff. Since I am seven months already. We knew what we are having. I am having... a baby GIRL.

I'm very excited. So is Mark, but sometimes I wish it was me and Simon with the baby. That's how I pictured it. All of us as a Family. I guess, things just don't work out as we hoped for.


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