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(Paula's pov)

My relashionship with Mark has gone from staying all night to watch a movie and cuddling to staying all night to wait for him to come home. I'm sure something is wrong in his job. This is the third time he's doing this. Instead of coming home he's out drinking and getting himself knocked out. I'm tired of it.

It's exactly 12:00am, MIDNiGhT. I need him here not clubbing. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my last ultrasound. One more month till my little angel is here. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the front door open. Right away I knew it was Mark.

I stayed in the bedroom. I didn't want to see him right now. He yelled my name out loud
"PAULA" I ignored him. Once he entered the bedroom I could smell that bloody spell of alcohol. I was feeling sick.

"PAULA, I was calling you"

" I..I I didn't hear you."

" STOP lying, you know you heared me "

" Don't yell at me Mark" I replied.

" DO NOT respond to me like that" he said starting to walk towards me.

" I.. I'm sorry" I was terrified at this point. I wanted him out but didn't have the words to tell him.

" Wh.. Why don't we have f.fun?"

I knew what he meant. He's been coming home drunk and asking me to have sex. I didnt and I won't have sex with him. Especially, while I'm carrying my angel. I don't want to hurt her in any way. He's been also aggressive. This wasn't the Mark I met a while ago. Alcohol was changing him. Physically and Mentally.

" N.No I won't" I gave it my all.

" excuse me? I tell you and you do it" he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bed.

" Mark, Stop Please"

" The baby. Please"


(Simon's pov)

I haven't stop loving Paula. I need to tell her that Claudia means nothing to me. She's a bitch that's what she's is. I only love one person. That's Paula. When we found out we were expecting I was more in love with her than ever.

At the same time how can she kiss John while knowing we were together? I know, why did I tell her those terrible things. She would never sleep around. I was just mad and exploded. I trust her. I do. I don't want anyone to hurt her. I will do anything to get her back and be a family.

I was leaving my building to go and tell to Paula. I want to straighten all of this out. I want to apologize for everything. I will take the blame. I don't care. All I care is to get her back.

I started to drive to her apartment. I knew she was going to be there. I just didn't know if "He" was with her. I hope not. I want to talk to her in private. I needed to feel relaxed and get this heavy and painful feeling off my chest. I haven't slept the same since that day at the office. When she walked in when Claudia kissed me.

When I arrived outside of her apartment. I parked and went inside. The apartment was in good standards. She lived in the 4th floor. The apartment looks big from the outside. I wonder inside?

When I arrived to her door I knocked but no answer. I knew she is inside. Her apartment lights are on. I knocked one more time and I heard footsteps coming closer to the door. The door flew open and there stood...Mark. What the hell was he doing here? I was hoping not to see him today. I did notice something different. He has been drinking and a lot. I can tell by the smell and the way he couldn't stand up straight while holding the door.


Right away I knew Paula was in trouble. He's drunk. What man respects a women while being drunk?

" where's Paula?" I asked him

" that's not your concern"

" where the hell is she?"

At this point I was angry and furious. I knocked him out with a punch and pushed him outside and continues till I was satisfied. I got up and ran inside and search for Paula. I swear If he touched her, I will KiLL him. I searched in the bathroom. Nothing. In the living room. Nothing. Now the bedroom. I opened the door and my heart broke. She was crying. I ran towards her and kneeled on floor and locked my hands with her.

"Paula? What happened?"

She didn't answer. I was afraid of her response. I waited but nothing came out of her mouth. I knew she wanted to say something but she was lost for words.

" H..h...he Tr.. Tried to rape me" she bursted

" Darling I'm so sorry for letting you stay with him."

" please forgive me?"

I am not done with him just yet. What he think he could just rape a women and forget it the next day? I don't think so. I was about to leave the room to the bastard but she pulled my arm and grabbed it.

" Please d...don't lea..leave me."

" I won't Paula Ever Again."

I carried her to my car. There was no way I was letting her stay in her apartment with the basterd. I'm taking her home with me. Raped?
He was going to rape her. I was furious at that point. How can he even touch her while carrying a baby? My baby. Our baby. I'm glade I came just in time.


What's going to happen with saula?
Together or not there yet?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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