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'MATES?' My wolf whispered.
"Fuck" I whispered.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I said getting louder towards the end. I looked all five of them in the eyes and walked out to my car.
'Why do you continuously walk away from our mate like what the hell.' My wolf growled.
'Look what am I supposed to do? I don't have one not two but five fucking mates.' I said. I started the car speeding off. I decided to call Justin. After the third ring he picked up.
"Hello" He said. It sounds like he just woke up.
"Hey do you have anything to get the edge off for a while" I asked hopefully.
"Let me check" he said. As I waited I heard shuffling.
"Uhhh yes I do. What do you want." He said.
"Depends on what you have"
"Well I have Coke, weed, MDMA, LSD, Codeine, OxyContin, Percocet, Valium, Vicodin, Shrooms, and Coke balls. For drinks I have Vodka, Gin, Scotch, Bourbon, Rum and a bunch of mixed shit." He said.
"Alright just bring a bunch of shit over and I'll pay you." I said
"Alright I'm gonna bring Nathan and Sam so we can smoke okay." He said.
"Alright bet I'll see you later." I hung up. I drove home thanking God moms were at work. I walked inside running up the stairs. I changed into a Guns&Roses t-shirt black skinny jeans and my leather jacket. I grabbed my wallet walking to out grabbing my skateboard since where we meet up isn't to far away. I was skating down the road when I heard something behind me. I stopped and turned around to see nothing. I turned back around running into to something make me fall. I looked up at them.
"What the fuck do you want?!" I asked her.
"You know today when you left you didn't only hurt me but you also hurt my mates." Green eyes said sounding angry.
"Cool" I said getting up grabbing my skateboard.
"Why won't you accept us?" She asked.
"Just be glad I haven't rejected you." I started walking away.
"Do it right now then."
"I don't even know your name" I rolled my eyes.
"Lauren. Lauren Michelle Jauregui. Now you know my name so reject me" She stated. I looked at her.
"I Y/N Isabel Blake-"
"Your middle names Isabel. Awww That's cute babe" she cooed.
"Don't interrupt me please." I cleared my throat.
"Do you really wanna reject me and all five of us." She said walking behind me.
"You know we aren't just hot but were also very fun to fuck. Well the other four are but I've be told I am too." She wrapped her arms around my waist. Putting her chin on my shoulder.
"And their asses. Fuck." She moaned quietly in my ear. I felt her nip at my earlobe. I shivered and clenched my jaw and unwrapped her arms from my waste.
"I'm gonna get going now bye. Tell the girls I said Hi. Oh and try not to follow me." I winked putting my board down and skated away. Once I got to the abandon railroad station I got in the boxcar that had music blasting from it. I immediately got submerged In a hug by two people. I hugged them both back.
"How've you been Blake it feels like I haven't seen you in ages." Sam exclaimed. Letting go of me.
"Yea I've missed you so much." Nathan said sitting down.
"How Alissa?" I asked Sam.
"She doing great and.... She's pregnant" he said with a huge smile on my face.
"Congrats how far along?"
I asked.
"12 weeks"
"Damn soon you gonna have to stop doing this shit soon." Nathan said.
"I know this is my last time" he said. I sat down next to him.
"So what about you have you found your mates yet?" Sam asked and I sighed.
"Yupp met them today and I do-" he cut me off.
"Woah woah wait them?" I nodded.
"How many" Nathan asked.
"Five" they both just looked at me.
"Damn what the fuck five." Justin said walking in.
"Is it that Camilla girl and her friends that Taylor was talking about?" Justin asked.
"Her names Camila" I growled.
"Damn I'll take that as a yes." He said tossing me a bag of blunts. I took one out lighting it and taking a long drag from it. I blew it out and passed it to Sam.
"Where's everything else?" I asked him.
He gave me a huge duffle bag full of Vodka, Gin, Scotch, Bourbon, Rum, Whiskey and more.
"This isn't all o-" I was cut off by him throwing a backpack at me. I looked inside to see more Weed and some Coke, MDMA, LSD, Codeine, OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, Shrooms, and Coke balls. I smiled and pulled out my Wallet.
"How much?" I asked. Once He told me I gave home the money and lit another.
"So tell us more about these mates." Nathan said giggling.
"Well I didn't get a good look really but ones short with blonde hair and brown eyes. She looks Hispanic,Mexican maybe Puerto Rican I'm not sure. She also smells like an Omega I'm not sure if she's a werewolf though. Then there's a tall one she about 5'7 or 5'8 she also a blonde but lighter then the other girls depending on how you look at it. But I'm not sure what she is yet I didn't really get that good of a scent all I know is that she's another Omega." I said taking another hit then blowing it out again.
"Then there's this other one I know for a fact she's a witch because I saw her last night while doing patrol. But she has brown hair and amazing brown eyes. She also had a banana ring on this morning. Her names Camila. Then there's green eyes she's a vampire a very powerful one. Her scent is very very strong. She actually stopped me right before I got here she kept telling me to reject her and how hot our mates were and that their 'fun to fuck' it was really weird actually. Her names Lauren" I said.
"Lauren what?" Justin asked.
"Jaguar? Jaurgay? Jaure...? Fuck what was her name" I said.
"Jauregui?" Nathan said.
"Yea that was her last name. Wait how did you know that?" They looked at each other then back at me.
"She's the queen. But she's right your mates are hot." He pulled out his phone typing something. He gave It to me after he was done. I saw pictures of my mates. As I scrolled through them he spoke.
"Their names are Ally Brooke Hernandez, Lauren Michelle Jauregui, Karla Camila Cabello, Normani Kordei Hamilton, and Dinah Jane Hansen. Dinah is an Omega
But is a Kitsune/Werewolf hybrid. She is 118 years old. Ally is also an Omega but only a Werewolf. She is 122 years old. Normani is an alpha but is a Kitsune. She is 119 years old. You already know about Camila and Lauren. Lauren being 119 and Camila being one year younger. Camila is also a queen. She cast a spell on the other three and herself to live forever. That's why they are all in there hundreds." I nodded still looking through the pictures. I took another hit.
"So what are you gonna do?" Sam asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Are you gonna reject them?"
"I don't know yet."
"I don't think you should." Justin said.
"I agree with him your already the strongest wolf pack bringing them in will make it better." Nathan agreed.
"I'll talk to them sometime this week" I said. We spent the whole day together just talking, laughing, smoking, and drinking Till 10pm.
"Alright I'm gonna get going guys." They all stood up Justin giving me a hug.
"I'll see you In school tomorrow." Justin said leaving.
"Nathan and I are walking you home." Sam said. Nathan grabbed the duffle bag while Sam grabbed the backpack and I grabbed my board. We started walking to my house.
"You know your gonna have to stop this shit soon." Sam pointed out. Nathan nodded his head in agreement.
"I know I will"
"I'm serious if you don't were gonna have some serious fucking problems" Nathan said. I stopped walking.
"Look lets make a deal if I in a year I'm still doing this you two can step in and send me to rehab or how ever you do it." I said looking at them.
"Deal?" I held out my hand.
"Deal." They both said in unison. We continued walking and talking when we all heard something come from the woods next to us. 'Fuck' I whispered. Guess who the fuck it was....Your right it's all fucking five of my mates. Sam being a vampire kneeled since Lauren was in front of him. I rolled my eyes. I turned to look at them Lauren, Camila, and Normani in front of Dinah and Ally.
"Who are they" Lauren hissed.
"Well if you must know this" I pointed at Nathan. "Is Nathan and the one kneeling In front of you is Sam." I said pointing down at Sam. I heard a growl come from Normani and I smiled.
"Now Lauren can you please allow him to stand up" I said as nice as possible.
"Why should I" she said acting like a five year old.
"Because he has a pregnant wife at home."
"Fine" she mumbled rolling her eyes.
"Stand up" she growled. He quickly stood up eyes glued to the ground. I started walking away with both of them by my side.
"We're not done talking" Camila yelled after me. I just continued walking away. Once we got to my house we walked around back and snuck into the second story window.
"Thank you guys so much." I hugged both of them.
"No problem just remember our deal" I nodded and Sam left. Nathan stood there awkwardly.
"Um do you mind if I crash on your couch tonight?" He asked pointing to the one in the corner of my room.
"I don't care you know that do what you wanna do" I said taking off my jacket, shirt and pants leaving me in boxers and bra.
"Your clothes are in the dresser in the closet." He nodded walking to the closet. I plugged in my phone then laid down falling asleep instantly.
When I woke up Nathan was gone. I got up looking at the time. 4:35 my eyes went wide.
"Fuck fuck fuck mom is going to kill me fuck" I threw on basketball shorts and a tank top. I ran down stairs seeing Mom sitting watching tv. She saw me and glared at me.
"Get your ass outside NOW!" I whimpered and ran outside. I changed forms sitting down with my tail between my legs my ears back and eyes glued to the ground. I heard her walk out she paced back and forth for about five minutes before she stopped.
"Your Fucking kidding my right. Is this all some big joke?" She chuckled and I whimpered again.
"Because it seems like some big ass fucking joke with no goddamn punchline. It's either that or I just don't get the fucking joke. So please fucking explain to me why the fuck the next Alpha of this pack is acting like a complete dumbass." She yelled. I didn't say anything I just sat there with my head down. While she continued to yell at me.
"That's it your not gonna fucking say anything?" I still didn't say anything.
"Goddamnit. Fine if your not going to say anything just go to your room and get ready." She growled.
"And don't worry about bringing your siblings to school. But you are picking them up after school then we are going to talk" She walked away furious. I followed her with my tail between my legs. I ran up to my room changing forms again in to my human form and wiping my eyes. I put the bags from last night in my closet and got in the shower. When I got out I put on a sweatshirt sweatpants and my hair in a bun. I grabbed my keys and ran downstairs and into my car. Once I got to school I went to my locker. I saw my mates walking toward me and I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want?" I asked them grabbing my books from my locker.
"We just want to talk to our mate." Ally said.
"Gotta be fucking kidding me" I mumbled.
"We heard that" they said in unison.
"Well congratu-fucking-lations your not deaf." I said turning to them.
"What's up your ass thing morning?" Amanda said walking up to me looking worried.
"Nothing" I growled.
"You know what I'm not up for school today. I'm gonna go." I said walking out to my car. I heard 5 sets of feet walking after me. I got In seeing all of them get in after me. Ally sitting on Dinah's lap.
"Your our mate" Lauren  said.
"Really Oh my God I'm sorry I didn't know I thought we were just on first name basis" I said smiling sarcastically.
"No reason for sarcasm." Camila said.
I said starting the car.
"Where are we going?" Camila asked.
"Well first to my house then to my quite place." They all gave me confusing looks.
"To my house because I need to go there really quick then to my quite place. But since none of you are going to get out we can go together I guess." I said looking at them through the rear view mirror. I pulled up to my house getting out of my car and opening up all three doors for my mates.
"Is it okay if you guys wait until the living room for now?" I asked them bitting my.
"Yea sure it's fine" They All gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving the room. I blushed walking up to my room. I got in my room looking around for. My other car keys then I heard a crab come from down stairs. I saw my Mom in wolf form on top of a whimpering Dinah. The rest of the girls ready to attack. I change into my wolf form and charge at my mom. I tackle her looking in her eyes and growling. She gives me a confused look.
'Their my mates mother.' I mind linked her letting her get up. She changed back putting on sweats and a shirt.
"Really sweetheart" she asked kneeling in front of me petting me. I just nodded.
"I'm so sorry baby" she hugged me. When she let go I licked her cheek and went to check on Dinah. I walked to her looking down at her to look in her eyes while she was standing since I am a soon to be alpha of the strongest pack I'm very tall in wolf form. Very strong genetics. Anyway I licked her nose and she giggled. My wolf and I smiled. I turned her and the rest of the girls around. I pushed her with my nose up the stairs with the other girls following. I lead them in my room. Once we got there they sat down on the bed. I transform into my human form grabbing sweats and a sports bra. I sat down on the bed Looking at them.
"So..." Dinah Said awkwardly. I gave her a confusing look.
"Doyouhaveapenis?" Lauren asked quickly bitting her lip. I chuckled.
"Say that again just a little slower" I said.
"Do you have a penis?" She asked. My cheeks went red.
"Uhh.. Umm I-I what?" I swallowed hard.
"Y-Yea I do." I looked down playing with my fingers. I felt one of them lift my head up with a finger under my chin. I saw it was Camila and she smiled at me.
"It's fine we don't care." She said kissing my temple And I smiled.
"If anything it's hot" I heard Dinah mumble. I pulled Dinah into me kissing her cheek. We all laid down cuddled into each other.

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