I dont know what to name this chapter <(•-•)>

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Lauren's POV
"ISABEL CAN YOU COME DOWN HERE PLEASE" I heard one of Y/N moms yell.
"Goddammit" She whispered more to herself. She kissed each of us on the temple then ran down stairs. When she left I got up going into the same drawer from earlier and pulling out joggers for Normani and Dinah. I also graded boxers for Ally since she probably won't fit her pants.
"Camz?" I heard her get up and walk towards me.
"Yes baby" She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind.
"Can you get me three shirts from the closest"
"Of course" she said letting go of me and looking in the closet.
"Guys do any of you smell something like....different?" I asked all of them. I heard them sniff the air. I turned around looking at them. They looked at me and nodded their heads.
"I think I know what it is" Camila said bending down to pick something up. I walk up next to her. There was a duffle bag and a backpack. We gave each other confusing looks. I grabbed three shirts from the closet along with the back pack. Ally Dinah and Normani already had pants on while I handed them the shirts. I  sat down on the bed and unzipped the bag seeing A LOT of drugs.
"I haven't seen this much stuff in one place since the sixties" Ally said. I nodded looking around in it.
"What's in the duffle bag babe?" I asked Camila.
"Just a lot of alcohol." She stated shocked.
"What should we do?" Normani asked.
"Fucking confront her about it" I growled. I felt arms being wrapped around me from behind.
"It's okay laur" I heard Mani say. I heard Y/N running up the stairs. She burst through the door with a smile but it fell once she saw us with the bags. She closed door slowly.
"Haha hey babes" she said rubbing the back of her neck.
"Don't 'hey babes' us" I snapped. Her eyes immediately fell to the floor.
"Are you going to explain?" Camila asked her.
"Why should I YOUR the one going through MY stuff. So I think you should be the one explaining." She said raising her voice towards the end.
"We were looking for a shirt in the closet then We smelt something and it happened to be the bag." I explained. She rolled her eyes. I heard Normani growl.
"Don't roll your eyes at us" she said

When Lauren explained what happened I didn't know what to do.
"What do you want me to explain" I sighed.
"Why you have all of this" Ally said gesturing to the bags.
"Because I bought it" I answered. They all gave me a death glare.
"Babe please don't play games right now we're serious." Camila begged. 'Might as well give them what they want to hear'
"Fine fine. I have it because in between my mom yelling at me for the dumb shit I do and Tori thinking that we're In a relationship and then finding out that your my mates I don't know I just bought it thinking I needed it." I explained. They nodded.
"Have you done any of this stuff before?" Dinah asked. I smiled and looked in her eyes.
"Yes all the time I just got more because I ran out last week" I said sitting down behind them on the bed.
"Who did you get it from." Camila asked.
"Is it that Spam guy or the Christian guy." Lauren said completely mispronouncing their names.
"It's sam and nathan. And no it wasn't them" I said calmly.
"Don't worry about who it was." I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes relaxing.
"Fine we'll get it out later" Camila said.
"Sureeeeee" I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Wait pause who the fuck is Tori?" Dinah raised her voice a little. My eyes shot open and I sat up.
"Who's Tori I don't know a Tori she sounds like a hoe." I said nervously.
( exactly what I said about my 'non existent' Ex)
"Don't fuck with us babe" Lauren said through gritted teeth.
"Your the one who said I'd love to fuck all of you" I smirked. She glared at me hard.
"Anyway don't worry about Tori I'll talk to her later when you guys aren't here or something" I said laying back down.
"No you won't. Your only going to talk to her when all of us are here" Normani growled. I rolled my eyes.
"Fine I'll call her right now" I got up getting my phone from the dresser. I unlocked it going to Tori's contact name.
"Put it on speaker" Dinah said while it was ringing. I put it on speaker.
"Hi daddy" Tori said once she answered.
"Hey babygi-" I cleared my throat.
"I mean Tori. I need you to come over."
"Of course daddy I'll be right over I can't wait to see you." She said.
"I can't wait to see you either bye" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I saw all the girls starring at me.
"Yes?" I questioned.
"You were flirting with her." Ally rolled her eyes.
"No I wasn't" I said.
"You called her babygirl your supposed to call us that not her."  Camila said.
"But I stopped myself. That's the good part." I said sitting back down.
"But still" she pouted. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me.
"It won't happen again I promise" I kissed the top of her head. She tried to hide her smile but I still saw it. I heard the doorbell ring and I stood up to get it. I heard five sets of feet behind me. When I got down stairs I saw mama ready to answer the door I ran to her.
"I got the door go help mom with dinner." I said smiling nervously knowing how much she hates Tori. She growled.
"It's that slut I can smell her" she whispered to me.
"I know me and the girls agreed to talk to her." She nodded and walked back to the kitchen. I open the front door and Tori walked in running straight to my room not paying attention to anyone. I walked upstairs to see her looking through the backpack on the bed.
"Can I have some of my this" she asked not looking up. I took it from her hands. She finally looked up at me then the girls.
"So an orgy" she smirked.
"Fuck their really hot" she bit her lip looking all of them up and down.
"Alright chill the fuck out." I growled. She put all of her attention on me.
"We can't have sex anymore because I found my mates and we are not having an orgy." She looked confused for a second.
"Oh so their you mates okay I get it now that's why you were being such an ass earlier. Well can I still have some of your stash?" She asked.You see Tori's a human but she knows about me because I shifted in front of her once.
"Yes but don't take all of it" I said handing her both bags.
"Take it all she's not allowed to have it anyway." Lauren said. I looked at her and pouted.
"But babeeee" I whined.
"How about this this is the last of it I won't get anymore after this and I will only do it under the supervision of all five of you." I proposed smiling. They all looked at each other probably talking through the mate-link bond thing it's weird.
'Maybe we should listen in a little.' My wolf said. I smirked.
'But still it's fucking dangerous she could overdose' I heard Lauren say in the link.
'But we're all going to be there watching her making sure she doesn't overdose plus I really want to smoke.' Dinah said.
'That doesn't mean shit and if we're supposed to be watching her how are you going to smoke.' Lauren argued.
'That's only with the hardcore stuff and to make sure she doesn't mix the wrong stuff together.' Mani said.
'Plus watching her smoke we're going to get high from the secondhand so might as well smoke.' Camila agreed. I saw Lauren roll her eyes.
'Ally back me up here please' Lauren begged.
'I would Lauren but they have a good point and the last time I smoked was in the 80s so...' Ally said shuffling over to the other three girls.
"Fine but she takes all the drugs except for the weed" Lauren said rolling her eyes again. I frowned.
"No what babe that's not fair" I pouted.
"No if ands or buts your only getting the weed that's it take it or leave it." She said glaring at me.
"Wait what about the alcohol?" I asked. She just stared at me.
"Fine just get what's yours" I said pointing at Tori.
"You know we should smoke together with your mates." She said grabbing the duffle bag and backpack giving me the rest of the weed.
"Deadass we should" I agreed. I heard a growl behind me.
"It was nice having you here Tori but I think you should leave" Dinah said with a fake smile. I chuckled.
"Yea Tori go I'll see you at school." I stood up walking towards my bedroom door opening it for her.
'Like hell you'll see her at school' My wolf growled. Why the fuck is everyone growling at me today goddamn.
'Don't even you liked it just as much as I did' She huffed and rolled her eyes. I smirked in satisfaction. As I heard the front door close I turned around to see 5 very upset girls.
"Look loves how about we do as planed and go to my quite place." I smiled grabbing my car keys and walking out the door. I heard them following me. I opened the doors for the rest of the girls and closed them after they got in. I got in the SUV and drove off to my sanctuary. Once we got there the girls all had confused looks as to why we were at a warehouse in the middle of nowhere.
"Haha your not gonna kill us right?" Camila nervously chuckled. I smiled and turned to look at her.
"I don't know I was thinking about but now I'm not so sure." I said rubbing my chin playfully. Her eyes widened as I saw her reach for the door handle. I leaned over a grabbed her hand.
"I'm just messing with you love. No I'm not trying to kill you why would I?" I assured/asked her. She just shrugged her shoulders and got out of the car. I smiled getting out and opening the door for the other four beautiful ladies. I took the keys out of the ignition and went unlocked the warehouse door. I saw all the girls mouth drop open. There was a couch in the center of the place with a huge flat screen in front of it. There were multiple gaming system as well as a bunch of games beside it. There was a bed pushed off to the side with my DJ equipment not to far away from it. The kitchen was across the room next to the staircase that lead upstairs and downstairs. There was also a white wall for my projector for watching movies and such. Upstairs is where I keep my instruments from classical all the way to the multiple Electric guitars and full piece drum set I had. There was also a bathroom up there. Now downstairs was a whole different story but a different story for a different day. While they went their separate ways looking at all the different stuff is sat down and watched tv.
"Babe what's this?" Lauren questioned pointing at the locked door that led to downstairs. I froze.
"Don't worry about that for now love." I said smiling at her. They all traded glances before coming to sit with me. Ally being the smallest straddled me. Normani and Camila on each of my sides. Lauren sitting on the floor facing me with her elbows on my knees. Dinah sat on top of the couch behind me.
"What do your tattoos mean?" Normani blurted out. I took up off my shirt.
"Which one?" I saw them thinking for a second.
"The peter pan on your side" They said pointing at it.
"I never really wanted to grow up and I just love the movie"
"The one on your right arm." Lauren said.
"You know the story of the sun and the moon?" They nodded.
"Basically the same thing has to do with love"
"Can you tell us the story."
"Sure" I walked over to the bed and sat down.
Once upon a time, in a land long forgotten, the nights were dark and dangerous, for there were no stars or moon shining on the sky.
During those times, a young elf called Tilion used to walk every night over paths and ways with his red, bright torch to show lost travelers and merchants the right way through the darkness. Tilion spent many lonely nights wandering over hills and plains keeping away the absolute black with nothing more but his evershining torch and his strong voice. All along the way he used to sing the most beautiful songs so that everybody lost knew there was hope, because Tilion was close and he would guide them safely back to the nearest town.
Many of those who had once been lost and saved by him described feeling a wonderful overwhelming sensation of warmth when they heard his voice, for it was one of the brightest they had ever heard: even brighter than his torch. And so, one night, Tilion met a girl named Ithil that could not find the way out of the forest where she had fallen asleep that same afternoon. On their way back to the nearest village Tilion began to sing, as usual. The girl, who knew the song suddenly started to sing along, and the two together would shine through the night with the most beautiful voices the world had ever heard.
The following night Tilion met Ithil again, and the two would walk through the often lonely night, singing with such splendorous and marvelous voices that for those who heard them, the night would seem to be as clear as the sunniest day. Night after night they would meet to practice, sing and to teach each other new songs, only to become better each time. What they didn't know was that their misfortune was already sealed, because the gods could not accept that anyone on earth sung better than them.
One night they descended to earth and Tilion had to see how they took the young Ithil with them. From that moment on he never was the same again. The following weeks were silent and mute, no voice and no song would shine through the dark. Only his red torch, now dim and flickery, roamed the lands with the only hope to find Ithil again.
The time passed and so did 999 dark nights, but on the night one thousand, Tilion couldn't believe his eyes. There she was: silently crying, Ithil was kneeling on the middle of a narrow path that went through the very same forest where he first met her. But again, his fate was foretold. The gods had forbidden Ithil to talk or to sing ever again. Tilion didn't know this and soon his joy faded when he saw that she would not speak. In fact, Ithil kept crying not even looking at him.
Confused, Tilion started singing in hopes that maybe she would start to sing along. But she did not. He didn't give up, and once again he tried to sing the most wonderful songs he could remember from their time together. At that point, his voice was weak and fragile because he could not understand what was happening to the once glorious Ithil. For hours he kept trying and trying: but Ithil didn't move. Only when she heard Tilion fall to the ground, defeated and lost in the darkness of his own soul she turned around. What she then saw, she could not bear: The once happy and confident Tilion in front of her, shattered on the ground under the light of a weak glow of ember. And that moment, she knew that she would give her life to hear him sing once more.
Slowly and as silent as a whisper, Ithil started to speak the first words of a song. Then, the words grew louder and turned into beautiful melodies which her soft voice carried to Tilion. She kept on, and soon she saw how the young man raised his head and looked at her motionless. Ithil stood up, gently taking Tilion by his hand and helping him up. And as the flame of his torch started to glow stronger and brighter also his voice started to soar through the air. Both finally held each other close and looked into each other's eyes when they started to sing, once again together, a song so beautiful and pure that it shone through the night like one thousand suns and their voices so magnificent like no one has heard ever again.
But once the song was over... a deafening thunder struck the earth and from high above descended the furious gods to punish those who had dared to disobey them. Ithil was condemned to eternal silence: from that day on she would live in the sky and look upon the earth each night as the moon we now know. Then, her tears became thousand little stars, forced to watch how Tilion was turned by the gods into a red wolf, forever forsaken to walk the earth alone.
And on the clear fullmoon nights, if we listen closely, we can still hear him sing to the moon, Ithil, hoping that maybe, one day, they will once again, sing together."
(Damn one long ass story)
When I looked at the girls they had tears in there eyes.
"Awww babes" I chuckled wiping away their tears and kissing each of their cheeks.
"What about the Bonnie&Clyde and the Marilyn Monroe ones?" Lauren asked this time.
"Bonnie&Clyde well once again another love story they fell in love and did what they loved doing yes it was illegal but they did it together and died together." I smiled.
"And as for Marilyn Monroe well I will admit she was kinda a hoe but she taught people sex is okay being yourself is okay. And that you shouldn't feel uncomfortable in your own skin."
"And the 'I love you' on your wrist?" Camila asked.
"Ohh and the Wolf" Ally asked soon after Camila.
"The I love you is in my grandfathers handwriting and the wolf looks really cool." I chuckled. I looked at the clock.
"We should get going we have to get back for dinner" I said and they groaned. They all slowly got up making their way to the SUV.
When we got back to the house I opened the front door for them since they complained about me opening the car doors for them. Once we got in the house I had ally go up stairs and put on pants or basketball shorts or something else besides my boxers. She pouted because she wanted to keep them and because she didn't understand why.
"Babe just change please you can keep them just change" I said burying my face into her neck. She nodded.
"Fine" she walked away looking in my closet drawers for something to wear.
"Babeeeee" Lauren whined.
"Why do you always have a block in your mind"
"What do you mean love" I asked her.
"Well whenever we try to read your mind we can't because your mental block is on." Camila answered for her.
"Well maybe you shouldn't try to read my mind" I smirked. They rolled their eyes.
"Fine I'll work on taking it down." I said. Ally walked out of the closet wearing a pair of basketball shorts. I smiled a kissed her cheek.
"Okay now let's go downstairs for dinner." I smiled opening the door walking out with them following me. I got to the dinning room and sat at my usual seat. Dinah and Lauren sitting on both sides of me. Camila, Ally, and Normani sitting In front of me. Mama set the food down on the table.
"Kids dinners ready!" She yelled through the house. Summer, Skylar, Brittany, and the twins came running down the stairs. I chuckled while they were racing each other to the table. Skylar sat next to Normani while Brittany sat next to Camila. Summer sat next to Dinah and Jacob sat next to Lauren. I heard a tiny hiss come from her and I put my hand on her knee.
"So how old are you girls" Mama asked once she sat down.
"118" They all said at the same time.
"Mm" Mama hummed chewing.
"When did you give meet each other?" Mom asked this time.
"Almost 100 years ago" Ally answered. I was happy they were asking questions because I didn't even know that. After that dinner went smoothly. The girls decided to spend the night which I didn't have a problem with. When we laid down to go to bed there was a knock on my window. I sniffed the air.
"Nathan" I whispered confusingly. I walked towards the window opening it.
"Hey..." I said slowly.
"Ummm hi" he replied.
"Can I come in" he asked. I nodded moving out of his way. When he came in all the girls just looked at me with confusion.
"So uhh I was wondering if I could crash here again?" He asked.
"Of course you clothes are in the clothes just take a shower you smell like grease." He blushed embarrassed.
"Yea sorry just got off work" He chuckled awkwardly just noticing the girls. He went to the closest then into the bathroom.
"Why is he here babe?" Lauren asked.
"I'm not sure love. He keeps a wall up like I do." I answered. She just nodded.
Once he got out he went to the couch and laid down. I got up grabbing him a blanket and a couple pillows.
"Yo what's going on?" I asked handing him the blanket and pillows.
"I uhh nothing don't worry about it" he stuttered.
"What's wrong" I asked again more sternly.
"My parents kicked me out" he mumbled.
"What?!? Why?!?" I shouted.
"Because my mates a guy" I saw tears well up in his eyes. He's a phoneix. I was infuriated.
"What the fuck you can't help that though it's not your fault." I yelled.
"Can we just talk about this tomorrow?" He pleaded.
"Fine" I rolled my eyes. I went to bed cuddled up to the girls.




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