I'm just not ready

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I grabbed whatever the fuck his name is by his collar and opened the classroom door throwing him against the wall. I smirked walking toward him. I got on top of him and started throwing punch after punch after punch. I saw hair start to grow on my hands and my claws come out. I started strangling him then I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned slightly shoving them hard into the wall without looking to see who they are. They hit the wall then fell to the floor.

"Ow" I heard someone say. Wait that voice sounds familiar. My eyes went back to normal as I turned around. I saw Dinah on the floor holding her arm. I got off of him and bolted out the school doors. When I got off school property and into the wood I changed forms. I ran to the other end of our property line and laid down. I sat their thinking about how I could hurt my mate even if I was angry I should have known it was her. 'Fuck I'm stupid' I laid down just thinking until I fell asleep.

After Y/N ran out my eyes were wide trying to figure out what just happened. I see the nurse and our teacher helping Mendes up. I brought everyone including the teacher into the classroom compelling them to forget. After I was done with that I walked out with the girls following me. I walked outside and sniffed the air. Shit
"Do any of you guys smell her?" I asked them. They shook their heads except for Dinah who just walked away. We followed her into the woods.
"Stay here" Dinah whispered as she saw something. We stopped as she walked up to the wolf which I'm guessing is Y/N.

I was woken up by the sound of someone walking toward me. I opened one eye to see Dinah walking toward me slowly. I saw a bruise on her face and arm from where she hit the wall. I whimpered because I was sad that she got hurt but my nostrils flared because I caused her to get hurt.
'WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO MY MATE?!' My wolf screamed.
"IT WAS THE FUCKING BOTH OF US" Before my wolf could argue back Dinah got closer and I was debating on running. Fuck it. I was in a crouch position about to run until she called my name.
"Y/N?" I fell back down with a defeated sigh. She got closer and I backed away scared I was going to hurt her again. I sat against a tree while we starred at each other.
"It's okay. I'm okay." She said and I shook my head. She sat down in front of me and held her hand out. I leaned in a little smelling her hand. I licked and she smiled. I leaned my head against her hand. She held it and brought her other hand to the other side of my head while we starred at each other. I closed my eyes. She got closer and kissed the top of my head.

'I'm sorry' I said after a long moment of silence.
"It's oka-"
'No It's not okay I shouldn't be angry in front of you or any of the girls.'
'Let alone hurt you' I whispered. I heard someone whisper a 'shit' and I turned my head in that direction.
'Are you guys just going to listen in or come and sit down' my four other mates came out from behind the tree. They sat down next to us.
'You know what?'
"Hmm?" They said.
'I ripped my favorite flannel.' I sighed. They looked at each other and started giggling.
'I love that sound' I laid down.
'Should we get back?' They nodded. I walked to one of the trees pulling out a simple white T-shirt, black skinny jeans and Tims. I changed forms facing away from the girls getting dressed.

"Hmm" they hummed.
"Do you wanna go back to school smacked as fuck?" I asked them. I turned around to see them all looking at me weirdly. I sighed.
"Do you want to go to school high as shit?" I clarified giggling.
"Ohhhh." They said in unison after a short pause.
"Hell yea" Normani and Dinah said. I looked at the other three girls. They nodded. I smiled pulling a Baggie with four blunts in it out of my pocket.

"How did you know they were in there?" Ally asked.
"I didn't. I forgot that like a week ago I hid some type of drug in every place my clothes are in my packs territory. This just so happened to be some bud." I explained pulling one out.
"Cami" I looked at her pouting. She smiled waving her finger lighting it. I took a big puff letting it out slowly. I passed it to Dinah her doing the same.


After we finished smoking all four blunts I couldn't see straight. Camila teleported us back into school we had one class until lunch. We walked into class late because we couldn't find the classroom. I sat in the back next to Amanda and Taylor.
"Hey" I giggled again.
"Jesus Christ how much did you smoke?" Taylor said holding her nose.
"Smoke? I—I don't kn—know what your ta—talking about" I said In between giggles the girls laughing along also.
"Y/N" Amanda gave me a warning look.

"Fine. I don't know like 4 L's something like that" I stated leaning my head on Lauren's shoulder.
"Hey" Ally pouted pointing at the two girls.
"Don't be a buzzkill."
"Buzz? You six aren't buzzed your long gone."
"Nu-uh" I argued.
"Y/N since you want to be so talkative why don't you answer this for me." The teacher said pointing to the board. I squinted my eyes 'where is Mount Rushmore located'
"Uhhhh.... Mount Rushmore....Town?"
"Omg babe your so smart" Camila said.

"How did you know that? I couldn't even figure that out." Dinah asked.
"No no it's not— how did you even. You should have learned this in elementary" the teacher sighed. She rubbed her face then temples. Time passed class is almost over and we all are still very much high. Camila was going on about something that has to do with pencils and pens. My pants started to get very uncomfortable.

I looked down to see a very prominent bulge in my jeans against my thigh.
"Fuck" I mumbled. Amanda looked my way.
"What happened" I looked at her pointing downward. She stifled a laugh.
"It's not funny" I pouted.
"No but what is funny is that whatever you smoked with your girls didn't only get you horny." I gave her a confused look. She pointed to my right. I turned to see what she's pointing at. As soon as I turned my head I was hit with the scent of arousal.

"How did I not smell that before" I whispered.
"I don't know but class ends in three minutes so" I put my head down on the desk trying not to focus on the smell.
"Y/N?" Lauren called me.
"Yea" I said glancing at her.
"I'm really turned on"
"Great that's good to know." I cleared my throat.
"Come on babe I know your horny too" She stretched her arm reaching for my bulge.


I immediately shot up from my seat covering my front. I smiled at them.
"Oh look that's the bell for lunch. I'm just gonna go eat." I ran past them out of the classroom Into the cafeteria. I say at my usual table burying my head in my hands. I smelt them again as they were getting closer. They sat down next to me.

"Babe do you not find us attractive?" I picked my head up starring at them before saying
"Of course I do. What made you think otherwise?" I asked worried.
"Because you don't want to have sex with us every time we ask you you always say no. Did we do something?" I looked at the blankly.
"No you five didn't do anything but if I have sex with you guys I would want to mark you—"
"We're ready for you to mark us" I was cut off. "I'm not ready to mark you five just yet that's what you don't understand we haven't even known each other a week yet and I just really want to get to know my mates before marking them"
"Plus I don't want to disappoint you." I added whispering it. "Aww babe there's no way that you could disappoint us at all" Lauren said kissing my cheek making me blush. "Wait are you blushing?" Dinah asked. "No" I said quickly covering my cheeks. "Yes you are"" she smiled. "No I'm not" I pouted.

Amanda came setting a few plates of food in front of me. Doing the same for the girls. I immediately dug in. "Thank you" I said with a mouthful of food. She smiled.
"What's wrong with them" she asked. "I'm not ready to mark them yet and their kinda upset about it" she looked at me like I was crazy. "Why the hell don't you want to mark them yet??" I glared at her "I just fucking told you I'm not ready" I growled. She rolled her eyes dropping the subject.

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