Caelevoria - chapter 1

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Okay, this is my first time posting...I've been working on this story, on and off, for a while now. Time to find out if it's any good, I suppose...

Let me know what you think!

~Chapter 1~

"God I'm so sick of school." My best friend, Callie, sighs as she drops her enormous pile of Calculus homework on the lunch table.

"You know, they don't have school in Caelevoria." Now all of my friends sigh.

"Do you have to bring that stupid book into every single conversation?" My friend Aaron casts a tired glance my way. I can't blame him; this is definitely deja vu as far as conversations go.

"What's...Kay...le-what-ia?," asks Trish. She just moved here, so I can forgive her for not at least hearing of this book. She must have lived under a rock in...wherever she used to live.

"Don't-," about 5 of my friends start, but I'm too fast for them. "It's only the best book in the entire world. I highly suggest you get a copy and read it. It will be a life-changing experience, no joke."

"You see, Trish; Sage is obsessed. She found Caelevoria a couple years ago in the library, and she hasn't stopped talking about it since," Callie explains. I think about objecting, but she's being quite honest. She didn't even mention that I bought my own copy soon after, and have carried it around with me for the past two years. I shrug and sit down. I can't see how my friends don't love this book as much as I do. It's set in the beautiful kingdom of Caelevoria, with quiet forests and rolling hills, medieval-style villages, and cities and castles - the stuff fairy tales are made of. The characters are so realistic, it feels like I've known them my entire life. There are the proud princes and princesses, queens and kings; young squires and fair maidens; dragons, elves, and fairies; witches, both good and evil; and even a horrible villain - a warlock, and the usurper of a neighboring kingdom's throne, trying to take over the land of Caelevoria for himself. The best character, however, is the main character, a knight named Artemis. He's brave and strong, and - after some slight moral dilemmas near the end of the seventeenth chapter - saves the day in the end like any good hero should.

Oh well, most people don't recognize pure genius, even when it's right in front of their nose. I just wish I could find someone who loved this book as much as I do - or even better, go there! Countless nights I've dreamed of seeing the cities, riding a dragon, meeting Artemis - geez, I better stop thinking like this or I'll only make school seem more depressing. I'll stick with wishing for someone who loves Caelevoria like I do. Then I'd have someone to talk to about it who wouldn't roll their eyes and groan when ever I mentioned it. I just want someone to understand that I use Caelevoria as an escape - it's my escape from school, from homework, from all my troubles; most of all, it's an escape from my boring life.

I'm not going to say that my life is horrible, or that I can't stand one more minute of it. My life is, in all honesty, completely average. I'm an average girl of 16. I'm not gorgeous, but I'm definitely not ugly. Sure, my friends and I can be pretty crazy, but in all appearances, I'm completely run-of-the-mill: Average brown hair and normal blue eyes. I'm not even tall - or short - for my age. I've always been an average height and weight and everything else. Most people couldn't pick me out of a crowd. But like I said, this is all appearances. If you set aside my normal exterior, I'm a little on the weird side, but then again, who isn't? Which is why my average life sometimes gets frustrating.

For example: my family is very normal. My parents have pretty average jobs (my mom's a vet and my dad is a teacher at the local middle school). They're nowhere near as weird as I am, though they do have their quirks. We have a pretty average house, too. My town even, believe it or not, reflects my average life perfectly. Nothing amazing and extraordinary ever happens in our little town, but that's okay. I usually like having a quiet, small town life. Our town is small enough that everyone knows everyone else, so there's always someone there if you need them. I have some good classes in school this year and a lot of them are with my friends, so even school isn't the hell it seems it used to be. So as much as I complain about how I'd love to get out of here and go to Caelevoria, I do like my life.

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