Caelevoria - chapter 2

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~Chapter 2~

It's been about two weeks since I made my wish on the shooting star; two weeks since the amazing day that-was-not. And my life has been plodding along at his usual pace, normal as ever. Not only was I wrong about my day being great, but it seems that I've jinxed myself into not having any more great days, ever again. Or that's what it feels like. I didn't think my life could get any more normal than it had been, but at least I used to have some great times mixed in here and there. These past two weeks have been nothing but boring and average.

But today is a Saturday, and I'm determined to have a good time. It's not just that there is no school to deal with, but also that I'm hanging out with Aaron and Callie for a good portion of the day. I leave my house in a decent mood. I'm not expecting too much, but we're going to a local stand of trees to explore. We've been through here many times before, but it's been years since Callie and I went roaming through the roots and shrubs, looking for frogs and snakes. There's also a small - but fairly deep - stream that runs through the trees where we used to splash around for salamanders, and just to get wet. We haven't really hung out here since we became friends with Aaron, so we decided to take a trip down memory lane and introduce him to our old romping ground.

When I get to Callie's house, she doesn't come running out to meet me like she usually does. I pause for a moment and then go up to the door and knock. She's usually good about being on time, but maybe she's running late today.

Or not.

"Callie won't be able to go with you today, Sage," her mother tells me as she opens the door. "She came down with a nasty bug last night and she's been in bad shape all morning."

"Oh...Well thanks for letting me know Mrs. Benson. Let her know that I'm sorry she's sick, and that I hope she gets better soon!"

"I will, hun. Have a good time today." And with that, she closes the door and I'm on my way. Have a good time?! I know she means well, but I'm not sure how I can have a good time with my best friend sick and all of our plans ruined.

I might as well go tell Aaron that we'll go some other time. No. Hold on a sec. I'm not having another boring, lousy day. I will drag Aaron to those woods even though his precious Callie won't be coming, and we'll find salamanders and lizards and have a good time. I'm determined.

By the time I come to this conclusion, I'm rounding the front walk to his house, so I march right up to the door and knock - a little louder than necessary, I must confess. After a few seconds, the door opens and Aaron sticks his head out. Before I can tell him the news, he grins and says, "Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin!"

"What are you talking about??!"

"I thought you were the big bad wolf, trying to knock my house down. You were certainly pounding on the door hard enough."

"Oh," I pause, a little sheepishly (wolfishly?), "sorry about that. Callie's sick and can't make it, but I'm determined to have a good day, and explore all through the trees, and get covered in bug bites and lost in the woods, so you're coming with me whether you like it or not and we're going to have a great time." It all comes out in a rush, and for a second, Aaron looks confused, and a little unsure.

"Whatever you say, boss." He grins at me and grabs his coat from the hook by the door. "Let's go."

We arrive in the woods just a few minutes later, and it's almost better than I remembered it. Everything looks (and sounds, and smells) so green and luscious; I can hardly believe the beauty of it all. We push on through the undergrowth in silence for a few minutes, until Aaron stumbles upon a blackberry patch.

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