Caelevoria - chapter 7

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~Chapter 7~

My first impression is of warmth. As the chilly evening breeze blows around me, the yellow glow of the lights in the town looks so welcoming I can hardly stand still. I see many cottages, similar to Calder's home in the forest, but I can also make out a few bigger stone buildings toward the center of town; taverns and inns, a town hall and church maybe? I notice that all of the light comes from streetlights - nothing more than hanging lanterns - and candlesticks in the windows. Of course they have no electricity, but I always thought of it as a hassle rather than a thing of beauty. The soft glow doesn't disrupt nature like towns at home do, rather, Neme's light has made a small pocket of humanity; a little home for itself in the big dark world. The beauty is breathtaking.

"Let's go!" I say to Calder, excited as a small child. I grab his wrist and start pulling him toward the nearest house.

"Slow down Sage, we can't break into someone's home! We must go to an inn." I come to a stop and drop his arm. That's something I never thought of. How can we afford to stay somewhere?

"Calder, do we have money for an inn?" I look at him questioningly, but he doesn't look worried by my question.

"Indeed," he says as he pats a small pouch hanging from his belt. I assumed it was some sort of herb or something, but it jangles as he shakes it. Now I remember reading about the gold coins that Caelevorians use as currency, auries, I believe they're called. "Many people gave my grandmother gifts when she helped them; food, supplies, and occasionally money. We rarely had use for it as we had everything we needed. She collected quite a sum of auries over the years. Other than this pouch," he shakes the small bag again, "We also have a store of them in each of our packs." Oh. I guess that explains the slight jingle I've heard from time to time since we left Calder's house; I had just thought that I was going insane.

"Okay then, on to an inn!" I change course slightly and start dragging him along again, this time toward a big square in the middle of the village. He laughs at my childish behavior, but follows willingly enough. As we sidle up between two houses and finally start walking on a road comprised of large cobblestones, he slows his steps.

"Sage, please allow me to speak with the innkeeper when we arrive. I know things are quite different in your land..."

"Yes, of course. I'd expect you to speak anyway, since you're paying and everything...And I have no clue how things are done around here." I don't think I'd want to be in charge in this case. I'd assume to just ask for a room, but what if there's some custom I don't know about? I wouldn't want to offend anyone or get us kicked out...

"Indeed. Erm," Calder says, interrupting my thoughts. He clears his throat - nervously? - before continuing. "Is...a single room...acceptable? For safety, of course..." He blushes furiously as he says this, and I choke out a small giggle before turning it into a cough. I don't want to embarrass the poor guy, but his innocence is pretty amusing. The need to be proper - chivalrous - is one of the main things that remind me of how very different this world is from my own. It also accentuates the fact that Calder only looks like Aaron.

"I don't know, Calder...How do I know intentions are...pure?" I try to remain serious, but it only takes one look at his horrified face for me to break into laughter. He looks confused at first, but after a few seconds a look of comprehension crosses his face.

"That was...a joke, Sage?" he asks tentatively.

"Yes, Calder, just a joke." Relief washes across his features as I continue. "A single room will be fine. And I will feel much safer not having a room to myself. As long as I don't have to sleep on the floor, that is." I grin at him as I add the last part.

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