Caelevoria - chapter 14

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~Chapter 14~

"Oh boy," I mutter quietly as I step onto the rocking boat. It's not much more than a large wooden raft, but it seems sturdy as I transfer the rest of my weight from the safety of the dock. As sturdy as something can be while rocking violently in the current, that is. The river guide, whose name we discovered is Roden, barks orders at us as he prepares for our departure. We spent a little over an hour in his house with him, poring over maps at the large wooden table in his rugged kitchen. He pointed out each of the tricky spots that we would come to on the river: the first half of our journey will be marked with rough waters and rocky sections, until we come to the fork in the river. After that, the only thing we have to worry about is a band of bandits trying to capture our boat, kill the men, and take Marin and me as slaves. No sweat! So it's going to be a rough ride, especially because Caelevoria has been especially rainy lately. The only good part about the rougher-than-average waters is that our travel time should be cut down to just a few hours. So at least if it kills us, it won't take as long, right?

"Alright, misses, please take your seats here and here," Roden directs us, gesturing to two rough wooden benches toward the center of the raft. We carefully shuffle over and lower ourselves down onto our seats. He shows us the two long paddles tucked in front of us, saying, "These are the spare paddles I've just finished telling you about. We'll only need them, when?"

Feeling like a kid in grade school, I recite back to him, "If we get into trouble and you men need help steering." I stress 'men' ever so slightly, and Marin grins at my sarcasm.

Roden just laughs off my remark and nods. "That will be your only concern for the first half our of our voyage. Otherwise, the pair of you should first and foremost worry about staying aboard. If you fall off, it will be mighty tricky to catch you again." We exchange worried looks before he continues, "If you find yourself tumbling, grab for this rope; it may just save your life." He shows us a gnarled, knotty rope that runs the entire perimeter of the raft, secured every foot or so. I suppose I should feel comforted by this, but it only makes the threat of drowning seem more real. Marin reaches over and squeezes my hand, and I cast her a quick smile and squeeze back. We'll be fine. Right?

"During the second leg of our journey, misses, you will be our protection. Your bows and arrows are tied down on top of your packs, here." He points to the lumpy bundles covered by animal hides that are tethered directly behind our seats, and continues, "You say you're a fair shot with a bow and arrow, Miss Sage?" I nod quickly and he gives me a lopsided grin. "Have you ever tried aiming while rocking back and forth and speeding down a river before? No? Well, lets hope it's not too difficult for you. And you too, Miss Marin.

"The current will not be as swift as it is here, but that will only make it easier for the vermin to try to board. You must not let them near us, or we may not survive this journey. I can offer some help, but we must also keep the boat from getting too close to shore or crashing on the rocks. Is everything clear?"

We nod quickly and he grins at us once again. He walks over to Calder to give him some last-minute directions, and I lean close to Marin and whisper, "Is it just me, or does Roden seem a tad bit crazy?"

"He has to be to navigate these waters! But he will get us to Altusa safely, do not fear, Sage."

"You always know just what to say to make us all feel better, Marin. How do you do it?"

She clears her throat before starting, "You see-"

"Time to cast off!" Roden yells, simultaneously interrupting our conversation and startling us. "Everyone ready?"

We all shout our affirmations and he releases the rope that ties us to the dock - our sole connection to dry land. The boat shoots off instantly into the rushing waters and Calder and Roden struggle to keep it straight. Let the ride of my life begin!

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