Caelevoria - chapter 9

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~Chapter 9~

I can feel the soft blankets around my body and the warmth of sunlight on my eyelids. Hmm, I suppose that means it's morning. But what woke me up?

"Sage," a quiet voice whispers. Of course. I lift my eyelids ever-so-slightly, peering up through the slit at Calder's face. He's standing next to my bed, leaning over me. "Sage, wake up."

"Idonwanna," I mumble back at him and turn toward the wall, shutting my eyes tightly. What? I know I'm being immature, but sleep was so nice and peaceful, and I'm not ready to get up yet. I can picture his blank face as he stands there, not knowing what to do.

After a few more moments of silence, he replies, "Alright. Awaken when you're ready." Is it really going to be that easy? I hear his footsteps receding from my side of the room, and the creak of springs as he presumably sits down on his bed. "I suppose Eru can wait," he adds. Damn it. He had to use the guilt trip. I didn't think he had it in him...

"Fine!" I say resignedly and turn back over, throwing the covers off of me. I sit up and knead my eyes for a minute, before looking up and seeing Calder try to wipe the grin off his face.

"That was not fair and you know it!" I glare at him, but I know that we need to get going. I glance down at my wrinkly clothes and the frizzy braids that I neglected to take out last night. I should probably neaten up if I want to be seen in public.

"I'm gonna go get ready," I say, still trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I slip out of bed and kneel by my trunk, grabbing my comb and a dress.

"Good, we'll eat and set out upon your return."

I stumble to the door and wander across the hall to the washroom. Shutting and latching the door behind me, I grab the pitcher off the small table and bring it over to the tub. Turning on the faucet slightly, I watch as the jug slowly fills with the steaming water. I turn off the tap and return to the table, then gently pour the hot water into the washbasin.

After the fifth or so handful of water splashed on my face, I'm feeling a lot more alive. I grab a small towel and dry off my face while untying the ribbons in my hair. I gently comb out my braids, and glance in the mirror at my wavy hair. It looks fine, so I'll just leave it down today. I replace my shirt and skirt with the dress I brought. It's a deep maroon, with the usual long skirts and wide sleeves. The bodice is form fitting, with a deep v-neck.

I walk back across the hall, knocking briefly on the door before entering our room. Calder is standing by his bed, shirtless, and he spins around as I enter. Well, he has a shirt, it's just over his face at the moment.

"Hey Calder," I say as he pulls his shirt on the rest of the way. I slip on my shoes and add, "Nice abs." He blinks a couple times at me and opens his mouth to respond, but I cut him off, "C'mon! I'm all ready to go and you're dawdling. I thought we had things to do today!" I grin at him and walk over to the door.

"Yes, Sage." He shakes his head and smiles slightly, then puts on his shoes and follows me out of the room.

After another great Caelevorian meal - thick slices of french toast and homemade bacon - we start off our search for information. As we leave the Badger's Den, we're greeted by rays of sunlight peering through gaps in the clouds overheard. The square is certainly busier than it was last night, and snatches of conversation carry across the space. I see some children playing over by the church, and men entering and leaving the town hall. Calder leads me to the right and we walk only a few feet before reaching the next building. It's two stories, and made of the same multi-hued stones as the other buildings in the area. The façade has large glass windows and a wooden door with a window set into the top. Small windows line the second floor; probably where the owners of the store live. Considering the various food items and other household supplies that make up the window displays on the ground level, I assume it's a grocery store of sorts.

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