Caelevoria - chapter 15

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Erm. *cough*. I'd like to apologize in advance for this chapter.

~Chapter 15~

Roden's head snaps up at the sound of my scream, and with lightning fast reflexes he grabs Calder by the scruff of his neck and throws him down to the deck. The arrow grazes Calder's right shoulder as he falls to the raft, tearing his shirt and slicing into his unprotected flesh.

Satisfied that my friend isn't dead, I feel my thoughts turning to white-hot rage at his injury. I quickly turn back to the bushes where the arrow originated and scan for movement. I see the draw of a bow as if in slow motion; behind the weapon, the blonde head of the bandit leader is barely visible. My thoughts race in the fraction of a second that it takes for the thief to aim. I hesitate, not knowing whether to shoot to kill or just to injure. Before I have the chance to decide, though, an arrow plunges straight through the man's neck, killing him instantly. I look around in surprise and see Marin already notching another arrow. Without looking at me, she says, "It had to be done, Sage."

"I know, Marin," I say quickly, but my attention is drawn back to the bushes. I see the twitch of movement of another archer, and take him out with my own arrow. I know I had to do it, but my gut wrenches at the thought: I just took a man's life. I can't think about it though, because an arrow pelts at us and lands in the wood right at my feet. Marin and I quickly duck behind the seat that we once clutched for safety from the river, now using it as our only defense against the outlaws. Three more arrows thud into the raft, and one nearly hits Roden and Calder, still huddled low to the deck. Marin and I let loose a few more of our own arrows in response. Each finds its mark, and as we keep rushing down the river, fewer and fewer arrows fly our way.

Finally the shots stop completely. "We're clear," I say in relief, and start to rush over to Calder. "Is he-"

"No!" Roden yells, but it's too late. I hear a whistling and feel a sudden jolt to my side. I feel as if time has all but stopped as I look down and see an arrow plunged deep into my right side, just above the hip. I don't even feel the pain as my legs crumple out from underneath me. I look down at the red stain blossoming across my dress, and look back up to see Roden throwing his knife right into the bastard's head. That'll teach him! I hear the splash of the body falling into the river, then blackness overcomes me.


Map of Caelevoria:


Sorry! *ducks and hides from angry readers*

I had to do it, though, and I had to split it up like this. The next chapter will be up soon, promise!

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