chapter 2

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(Eren's POV)

Darkness. I was surrounded by it, i couldn't see an inch away from my face, a sudden slam of the door quickly grabs my attention. My body instinctively flinches, drawing away from whatever is to come. I turn to see who it is, I'm surprised to bare, it's that brunette girl that caught me in that damn net, my wing is hurt, my pod is has no idea where I am... Could this possibly get worse?

"Oh come on, if it was Levi you'd be terrified" she flicks a match, lighting a nearby lantern. As the room fills with light I can see her features more clearly. 'She seems harmless...then again, she's the reason I'm here', she approaches me with a white painted box with a red cross on it. I inch away, shooting her a confused look as she starts taking out bandages. "A hello would be a little descent at this point" Her eyes lock on to mine for a split second, I quickly look away, sighing as she finished wrapping my wounds.

The girl starts fiddling with my wings, I quickly learn that she's a blabber mouth. I tune her out most of the time until one question peeks out from the rest. "Ah, didn't think you were listening, want me to repeat it?" She questions, I give her a 'tell-me-now-or-I'll-rip-your-throat-out' look as she continues. "Are you...part angel? I've been dying to ask okay! I have wings! AND a tail!" she exclaims. I'm gonna die here aren't I?...


My gaze falls to the floor as my thoughts of having to live in this shit hole grow. "Look I know what your thinking, but please just hear me out ok" she pleads. I nod for her to continue.

"Tomorrow I will perform some small experiments, Levi will be here. After were done, Levi wanted to 'teach' you something right after, listen, if he tells you to do something, just do it, it will save you severely ok..?". I look down at at the ground angrilyt, I was scared but I didn't want to show it, I would loose the little dignity I had left..What did she mean by 'teach'? Was she going to be there? I was dying to ask her these concerns, but I knew talking may only get me in deeper trouble.

"By the way, I'm Hange zöe" she grins, extending her hand towards me. I look at it suspiciously, before shaking. "See! now we're getting somewhere, that was easier than i thought". I back up a bit, as the tone in her voice changed. "Common in Levi, he should be an easy one"

'What have i done?!'

Levi walk in from another door, hidden from inside the wall. He walks towards me, glaring downwards. "Figured he would, the brats weak and pitiful" The lack of facial expressions, is rather terrifying. I glare at him, and not just any glare, a glare i haven't used in a very long time, a 'I'll fucking kill you and feed you to the lions' glare. He clicks his tongue and kicks me in the stomach. I keep my glare and clutch my stomach, keeping my lips tightly closed.

"PETRA!!" Levi blurts out, almost making the walls shake, not gonna lie..he has a nice voice. A girl with strawberry blond hair walks in to the room. "Get him ready for four eyes experiment" he orders. "Yes sir!" She salutes. Hange and Levi leave the room through the door in the wall, while the girl named Petra i presume comes towards me. "What did he mean by...'get him ready'?". I turn my head towards the small girl, she softens her expression, smiling softly and unties my hands.

She pulls out a pair of handcuffs as I let out a sigh. "Why don't you just talk?" She reaches out, towards my face.. I quickly pull back, pulling my knees close to my chest, my eyes land on the floor again as she sighs and helps me up. Before we enter the door in the wall, she pulls out a syringe filled with some kind of liquid. My eyes written in shock, as I try and draw back.

"Don't worry, this will only help you sleep" she says 'is that supposed to make me feel better?'. I shake my head and keep backing up until in i bump in to something. Arms tightly wrap around my waist, while i thrash around trying to get loose, looking behind me I see that Hange once again with an evil grin on her face. I kick my feet in the air, trying to keep that needle and me as far away as possible.

"Oi" another voice says. I turn my head and find that short stack Levi pointing a gun towards me. "It's either you pass out from blood loss or, calmly go to sleep with the needle, you decide" he says. I grit my teeth in protest and ball up my fist. "10..9..8..-" he kept counting down, I could feel my nails digging far in to the palms of my hands, before sighing and letting go, loosening my body up, as Hange keeps my hands in place. "Fine, take the fun out of it, put him to sleep than bring him in here". Petra nods in response as I feel rope being tied around my hands.

"Hey shorty, i don't think we properly introduced ourselves to fish boy" the brunette says. "Hm, you have a point, the names Levi, but you call me corporal" Levi says, I roll my eyes, as if almost saying I'm not stupid, I catched on to your names pretty quickly, "and I'm Petra" the strawberry blond chimes in. "Your turn" Hangs says, giving me a nudge. I turn away, my wings extending a bit, making them slap at hange. "Hey now!" She spurts and spits out feathers, "bleh", Levi sighs. "Hurry it up Petra" he commands as he walks in to the other room, Hange following close behind.

I turn towards Petra as she approaches me cautiously. I sigh through my nose and look down, waiting for her to use the syringe. Once she's close enough, she grabs my arm and pushes it down.

As soon add the liquid enters my blood stream, I could feel myself growing dizzier, she pulls out the needle as I starts to stumble, i sway from side to side until I hit the wall and fall to the ground, my whole body went numb. I couldn't feel anything, is that what they wanted, for me not to feel anything, or not remember anything, i was so confused, whatever they're going to do, was it something really bad that they needed me to be out cold to do it. My mind kept think horrible, inhuman ways of torture both physically and mentally.

'Will they torture me, dissect me open, sell me in pieces' my eyelids were getting to heavy to keep open anymore. The last thing I remember seeing was Hange and Levi staring down at me, waiting for me to finally pass out, in the corner of my eyes i saw Petra stopping mid way up the stairs, with a sad look in her eyes. 'Was she actually concerned with what happened to me, or was it another trick like last time'

'I can't trust anyone on this ship, not Levi, especially Levi, not Hange, not Petra, not ANYONE, at least not anymore'

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