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I fell to my knees and started to cry. Of happiness or confusion. I think it was a bit of both.
Viral, still. I was laughing just thinking about how I cried when I thought they were gone and now here I am crying about how they are back. I grabbed the phone thinking about who to phone first , Ben , Shelton or hi. But befor I could type in any number my laptop buzzed, a video chat with my pack.
I answered and we all just looked at each other in disbelief are eyes all flaring icey blue. Finally hi broke the silence
"So" he said trying to hold back tears. Crying full on now Shelton and I both joined in. I saw a tear in bens eye and I looked in confusion Ben crying, never. He starred and said.
You cry, I cry. Remember
We all sat there for five minutes bubbling like babies. We decided to meet up on the beach so we all weren't losers just starring at there computers.

Me. My pack. Together at last, again.

Release part 1Where stories live. Discover now