Chapter 2

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The blur got closer and closer. Then I looked at my home. Kit was standing outside grinning like a fool. The blur was coop running towards me and then jumping on top of me. When I got home kit asked.
Where did the boys go? 

Oh well , they just went home. I tried to dodge past kit but he kept getting in my way.
So, where are you going

Just my room.

Okay. He moved to the side and let me and coop past. I just lay in my bed thinking about what was wronge with Ben.

It was 5 to 5 and I started walking out the door when I heard a voice behind me
Tori where are you going. Are you going to see that Ben boy you like.
Ugg it was Whitney
Yes I am. I didn't know what else to say.
Well then you better put on something nicer than a tee and shorts. Here
She handed me a nice cammi dress that was knee length.
Go on or you'll be late for your date.
Date no. This wasn't a date but befor I could say anything she whisked me around and almost pushed me up the Stairs. In all fairness the dress was really nice so I put it in with a pair of sandels and hurried down stairs. As I closed the door I heard a
Good luck

There he was staring out towards the sea. He hadn't seen me so I kept quiet. He wiped a tear rolling down his cheek. I never said a word I just sat down beside him and fell towards his side. He squeased me tight. Something's bothering him.
You look beautiful tori
I herd the quiver in his voice.
Thanks, what's wronge and don't say there is noting wronge cause I know you were crying.
A minuets passed befor he answered me
My dad is moving back with my mom and they are planning on moving to Australia. Which means I have move away from you and the pack.

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