Chapter 3 A Son

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Sora woke up from his all too familiar nightmare. That always ended with that hated but needed noise. Sora tried to get up from where he was; apparently sitting but he had his hands tied by rope behind his back. Taking a look around he saw a bed to his right, and an unarmed man sitting on a desk in front of him.

"So you're finally awake." The man said.

"What?" Sora said confused as he started to remember what happened before he fell asleep: The job, the fight, the loss. "Oh ya, you." Sora said in a rather mean voice.

"Why so aggressive." Jackson started. "Where one of the same, you and I." He reached into his shirt collar and pulled out a necklace , that was quite well hidden. The necklace was made of sheet metal. The design was a smooth heart that had 2 other pieces of metal soldered on in the design of thorns on vines wrapping around it. The heart was oxidized black and the vines red. "Jackson a.k.a. The Heartless Beast and Sora Blackwood The Blackwood Huntsman." Jackson held up another necklace that he grabbed from the desk. The necklace was a Tree Trunk oxidized black, and many other pieces forming the branches and separate pieces each forming the leaves.

"Your one of us?" Sora said less intense.

"Yes, so was the man you killed: God's Assassin." Jackson put back the necklace and picked up another. This one was a single piece formed into a circle with a cross in it. "But he's dead now." Jackson's fist lit on fire melting the pendant then the chain. Surprisingly when the melted metal hit the ground it didn't burn the wood floor it turned back into big clumps of metal on the ground.

"So you're a magic user." Sora said watching the fire melt the piece.

"All elements bend to my will." Jackson said extinguishing the fire and stared back at Sora. "Though it's not so surprising to another that uses magic too."

"I've just seen so much that nothing surprises me anymore." Sora opened his hand as if to grab something. The light around his hand appeared to move towards his palm until a serrated dagger appeared in his hand, he began to cut the ropes.

"Then what's with your disappearing swords."

"That magic runs in my family's blood, it's always different for everyone. I simply need to think about a weapon of mine and it appears in my hand."

"Oh, so like the knife that's currently in your hand that's cutting the rope around your wrists." Jackson said calmly.

With wide eyes Sora quickly cut the rope and lunged towards Jackson fist ready to strike at Jackson's solar plexus. 

Sora's fist connects with Jackson. Surprisingly Jackson didn't seem too fazed by that and returned a punch to Sora's cheek. Sora stumbled back a little while Jackson still stood strong. Seeing this Sora decided to charge Jackson and ram him up against the wall. Now the wall was drywall with not that much in sturdiness. So when Jackson and Sora hit the wall, they went through it falling from the second story of the inn and into the roof of a small shop next to it. Hitting the floor Jackson let out a pained grunt followed by coughing.

"Damn, that hurt."Jackson said in between coughs.

"Same. Ow." Sora said rolling off of Jackson and onto the floor next to him.

The two men could hear worried mumbles and one angry guy. Probably the owner.

"Don't worry people. Ug, were good." Jackson said. trying to get up.

"Hey, you want a drink." Sora said following Jackson by getting up. "I could use a drink."

"Sure why not." They walked over to the door.

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