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At the west side of Zolis a train was getting loaded with crates full of gold, food, and alcohol. The train only had two cars not including the engine. The caboose of the train if you could call it that, was the boxcar getting loaded. The middle car was the one that would act as the living area for the two passengers of this train. The trains two passengers, Jackson and Sora, were standing on the platform watching as the train was being loaded by the lords men. The lord was also on the train who was talking with one of the men loading the train.

"You've made sure to load the gun powder correct?" The lord asked.

"Yes, A fuse will be lit and once they're far away it will blow."
"Good." The lord simply said before leaving to go back to his castle.

Soon enough the train was ready and the men boarded as it left the station. Both men entered the middle car and took a seat at a booth inside the car. Sora pulled out a bottle of mead from inside his trench coat and put it on the table between them.

"Really?" Jackson looked at his father like he was an alcoholic as he pulled out two shot glasses from another pocket and placed them in front of each man.

"What?" Sora uncorked the bottle and poured the liquor into his own shot glass.

Jackson sighed. "Fill me up too." Jackson raised his glass and Sora happily gave him some.

"To getting ten million." Sora raised his glass.
"To living another day." Jackson clanked glasses with Sora then both men drank down the mead. Once their glass' were empty, they slammed them on the table while giving a satisfied sigh. Jackson started coughing. "Strong shit." He said between coughs.

"Yeah." Sora picked up the bottle and poured another shot for both men, then continued talking. "Lord's got good taste. It's been aging for about twenty five years."

"Damn this stuff is older than me." Sora took his second shot as Jackson picked up his. "You're a bad influence on me." Jackson took his.

"You took care of the gunpowder right?" Sora poured another round.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I moved it to the lord's throne room, I'm currently keeping it from igniting but once we get out of the range of my magic, it should-"


"Explode." The explosion rocked the train more than it already is on the tracks.
"God damn, did you add more?!" Sora half yelled as he scurried to pick up the fallen bottle.

"Nope. That's how much he put on this train. He really wanted to kill us."
"Can you blame him? We basically robbed him and we just sent his kingdom into anarchy. We not only killed him, but we also killed the resistance so there's no one to take over."
"Well we were sent here to topple a government, and we achieved that goal. Technically."

Sora laughed as he poured another round. The rest of the day was spent drinking and celebrating. The day after that was spent recovering from their hangovers. It would take just under a week to get back to the capital, it was on the third day when Sora pulled out a fresh bottle of vodka that Jackson spoke up about something he's been mulling over in his head for the last three days.

"Hey dad?" Jackson said sitting at a bar next to the booth they sat at two days ago.
"Well this must be important." Sora mumbled from behind the bar picking out two glass cups. "What's up?"

"What do you mean by that?" Jackson said hearing what Sora first said.

"Every time you've called me "Dad" you've had something important to say, and other than running off to kill six thousand men. You said "dad" before asking about Charlotte. If you're asking about her again I'm gonna need a few drinks." Sora placed the cups on the bar then poured the whisky in.
"No. I don't want to talk about the woman that carried your child, I want to talk about the woman that's carrying my child."

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