Chapter 5 A council

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Jackson and Sora walked into the walled city of Zrento the capital of the continent home to the king and The Council Of Mercenaries. Made up of five of the strongest men and women there are. Zrento is built like a compass a circular pattern with exits out of the city only to the north, east, south, and west. At the very center of the city was a large castle you guess what it's for. The entrances are closed off with short fences and guards stationed so that no "riff raff" get in. To get in most of the singular persons get waved through and those with weapons usually get stopped and asked a few questions such as: "what do you plan on doing, why are you here" so on. And those with carriages or bags get stopped and searched. Sora and Jackson being that they were just arrested and escaped, not being able to grab their stuff have none of this and are waved through. Entering into the city from the south side could see tall buildings making a long corridor type entrance only after at least fifteen buildings it starts to branch off into separate streets making a cross. They continue going straight, until they make it to a "T" crossing. At the top of the intersection there was a church that everyone was passing by quite quickly. Sora and Jackson walk right up and enter. Once inside they were met with pews, a lectern, and no symbol of any religion at all.

"Hello." A pastor said walking towards the two gentlemen.

"Hello pastor. We wish to confess our sins." Sora said pulling out his necklace and showing it to him followed by Jackson.

"Yes of course follow me." The pastor leads them to a confessional and the two mercenaries step into it not letting the pastor take a side.

Simultaneously the two men hit the wall opposite the door with the side of their fist. The wall goes back slightly then shifts to the side, they walk in and the wall closes.

"Do we really need to be so discreet?" Sora questions.

"I guess not but it helps from any previous job... 'clients' from finding us."

Taking a look around they were faced with a spiral staircase that led down. They probably went at least three flights down. Finally making it to the bottom the men stepped into a long stone corridor. Walking down the corridor they head near the end and find that it takes a turn to the right. Most surprising there was a huge man leaning in corner at least a foot taller than Jackson and he had the body of a beast on steroids, thick white hair that went over his ears and nearly touches his shoulders, onyx eyes, and a frown that would make children cry. Most fascinating is that he wore a necklace made of sheet metal that was crafted to look like a twisting beanstalk with separate parts making leaves and an emerald gemstone at the bottom.

Once Sora and Jackson approached the giant he got up and bitch slapped Sora to the right corridor and in the same motion uppercutted Jackson sending him flying into a back-flip and landing in a slight kneeling position his right hand dragging along the stone ground. While sliding backwards from the giants punch long stone spikes came out the top of his right forearm and the side of his bicep and stone could be seen slightly taking up his neck. The floor now has four shallow trenches in it. Jackson then immediately broke into a sprint, jumping off the wall to reach the giant's head and punched him forcing him down to a kneel, he began to chuckle as he stood up.

"It's good to see you Beast." He said bring an angled arm up wanting a hand shake.

"You too Giant it's been awhile." Jackson took his hand with a slap and shook.

"The fucks going on here?" Sora said walking up to the two. "First I get bitch slapped across the room, next you're making friends?!"

"Blackwood this is,'The Giant' aka Lorenzo Beckett. One of the council members." Jackson said.

"I know who he is. It's good to see you Giant." Sora said doing the same exchange Jackson did with The Giant, and they continue walking down the halls.

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