Chapter 7 A Monster

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Jackson and Sora walked along the base of the wall, Sora leading, Jackson close behind. It had been a while since they jumped the wall, no one was counting the time. They hadn't passed any forms of civilisation outside the wall yet, so they haven't passed their destination. They were currently climbing a small hill that blocked their vision from the bottom so they had to climb. At the top they could see down into a small valley, that had a villa in it. A villa usually has one large house, a courtyard in front of it, and residential buildings and shops surrounding the previously said courtyard. This one was no different: courtyard, houses, big building. The big building was facing the wall fifty meters in front of it. Though it didn't face a wall, it faced a hole in the wall. The hole was a large archway. The wall was split in two to hold a gate that closed off the entrance if it's needed. Unlike the capital, there was no stop and search, you could just walk freely in and out. Back to the villa, the buildings were basically destroyed, paint was pealing of the buildings, windows broken, some had hole's in the roof. The large building at the front though, it didn't have any of this looked like it was just made.

"This is it: Beggar's Hole. A hole where all kinds of trash can be thrown." Sora spoke up after a good few seconds of the men taking in the scene.

"How do you know?" Jackson asked.

"Got a hunch." And Sora started to walk down the hill they were on.

Passing through a short alley between two buildings, they were greeted by the sounds of people talking, some yelling, probably merchants trying to sell their goods. The men stayed at the mouth of the alley taking in what they just walked into.

"Well where should we start?" Jackson said.

"I dunno, probably the big building but I doubt they're in there."
"Can always see if they are."

"No, no." Sora was holding his chin now thinking of what to do. "Should ask around. Local pub maybe, bribe the bartender and see if he's got anything. You can get any info you want from those guys. Drunk people say anything and the only one in the bar that's not drunk is him."

"If we're talking about info-brokers I say ask the homeless. Their always on the street they hear a lot of things. I can see quite a few already."

"Are we seriously debating over who to ask for info about something that they probably don't even know?"


"Perfect. I say go pay the pub a visit."

"It's mid day they probably aren't open."
"Fine we'll go talk to the damn hobos, they always smell." Sora walked onto the street.

"Good." Jackson followed him. But quickly stopped when a large amount of metal entered the range on his "Sonar." The metal he sensed, was suits of armor, and cannons. He started counting softly to himself. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Six." He said again confirming his count. "Six thousand men."

Sora turned to talk to his son and realized he was gone. He quickly moved back to the alley he left him at. He arrived in time to hear Jackson say his final statement. "Six thousand men?" Sora asked not knowing what the hell he was saying.

"Six thousand men, are currently walking to our position. Hundred meters out.


"Find the rebels. Tell them to evacuate." Jackson took off his necklace, then his jacket, and his shirt, revealing quite a bit of muscle. His whole upper body was fairly sacred as well, a few burns too.

"Why are you striping?"
"I'm going to intercept the soldiers." Jackson shoved his cloths into Sora's arms then took off his boots and handed them to Sora too.
"You're insane."
"I'm your son."

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