Chapter 5

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Frank and Ellie finally arrived at their stop.

Frank stood up and stretched his legs, grabbing his bag from the over head shelf. Ellie rose from her seat and adjusted her scrubs. She looked at Frank grimly.

"Okay, let's go."

Frank and Ellie stepped off the bus after politely thanking the driver. Frank gripped the handle of his duffel bag tightly as she and him made their way to her car.

Frank threw the bag into the trunk and hopped into the car.

Ellie got into the driver's seat and turned on the ignition. He coughed to break the silence.

"So, um, thanks. For-" Frank gestured around vaguely, "this. I mean, you really didn't need to do this. Like you deserve a fucking Nobel prize or some shit."

Ellie chuckled as she pulled out of her parking spot.

"Frank, it's really no problem. I understand your situation, and I know that all I needed when I was younger was someone to take me in too."

"Well, still. Thanks." He muttered.

"You're welcome, kid." Ellie said.

The two of them began their drive to Frank's new house.


Gerard was debating with himself.

Should he kill the kid or not? Sure he was just another victim, but he seemed different somehow.

The boy, who he found out was a 17 year old named Frank Iero. His blood type was A Positive, his parents were named Linda Iero and Frank Iero. His dog's name was Sweet Pea, and he was friends with a kid named Pete Wentz. He was also in a band called Pencey Prep.

Gerard thought the band sucked. He kind of liked it.

But besides that, he seemed like a fairly average human. So why did Gerard find him so interesting? Frank was no different than any of his other victims, and yet he had spared his life once and was thinking about doing it again.

Gerard grumbled about being an idiot while he opened his laptop to do his daily search of himself.

It sounded conceited, but that was the unfortunate reality for a wanted hedonistic serial killer.

Gerard typed in his name into the search bar and hit enter. Normally all that came up were annoying articles about himself from two years ago, but this time, something new came up.

Sleep Tight: Read the story here.

Gerard squinted as he clicked the link.

"My mother had just yelled at me to take the an old lamp out to the trash, so naturally I did."

Gerard rolled his eyes. The author was shit at writing.

"I had just gotten outside when I thought I heard someone standing in the alleyway next to my house. Of course, as any idiot would,"

Gerard snorted.

"I peeped a weak 'Hello? Is anybody there?'. I assumed at first that I was just being paranoid, when suddenly a man covered in a dark liquid stepped out of the shadows, a mad grin on his face, and sharp eyes trained on my neck."

Gerard nodded approvingly at this choice of words.

"Once I realized what this dark liquid was (it was blood), I threw the closest thing there was to me at him, which just so happened to be the lamp I was supposed to been taking out to the trash."

At this point, Gerard was getting bored now. He knew who had posted this now, not that he was too upset. There no harm in making him seem cooler than he was. Which was pretty fucking cool.

But when Gerard reached the end, he became furious. That stupid, illiterate idiot! Why in God's name would he post the whereabouts of Gerard and his name?!

Gerard groaned, shutting his laptop and quickly packing up all his stuff. Because of Frank, he would have to leave town.

Gerard made a decision right there, running a hand through his greasy black hair.

Either Frank and his friend were going to die, or Frank was coming with Gerard.


hi guys! i'm really sorry for not updating this story in like 2 billion years... i love this story. anyways, i hope you enjoyed and as always,

Keep Running


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