Mewberty (Headcanon idea)

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"You have to make it stop." Glossaryck bluntly stated to a very dumbfounded Marco.
"How the heck do I do that?" Marco asked, gesturing to the purple butterfly-girl terrorizing the school.
Glossaryck sighed. "You really are hopeless, Earthling." he said. "Star is in a very delicate, moody stage, similar to something your Earth girls undergo once they hit their peak of puberty-"
"Stop!" Marco said, bright red and shushing the little blue man. "I don't want to know, please don't tell me."
Glossaryck rolled his eyes. "I mean that any physical contact will either enrage her or satisfy her."
"Well, how do I know which one it is?" Marco asked.
"You don't." Glossaryck said matter-of-factly. "You have two options to stop it, Earth Boy."
"What are they?" Marco asked, and Glossaryck gestured to his open mouth.
"'s gone. You ate it all...or got it all stuck in your beard." Marco shuddered, watching the chocolatey goo fall from the tiny man's face into the book of spells. He hoped Star would never need that spell...too many disturbing memories.
"SCRAPE THE SIDES!!!" Glossaryck announced, and Marco groaned, eventually getting more pudding on the spoon and putting it in Glossaryck's mouth.
"Okay, so what are my options?" Marco asked, annoyed, and ducked as Mewberty Star threw a cactus in his general direction.
"Well, you can either wait one hundred hours for it to stop." Glossaryck said, and Marco avoided a volleyball.
"Yeah, that's not really an option." Marco said. "Considering she's trying to KILL me."
" can please her Mewberty." Glossaryck replied.
"How do I do that?" Marco asked.
"You're a teenage boy, she's a teenage girl..." Glossaryck said, seductively grinning. Marco looked appalled at the little man.
"What do you mean?"
"You have to kiss her."
"W-what?" Marco asked, awestruck. "N-no way! I can't...she's my best friend!"
"It's either that or she probably ends up killing you." Glossaryck said.
"Didn't you say physical contact might enrage her?" Marco asked. Glossaryck smiled.
"Yes, it might, but knowing Star, you'll probably be fine."
"Probably?" Marco asked, narrowly missing a vine as he walked.
"Probably." Glossaryck said.
Marco let out a long, defeated sigh as Star threw Alfonzo into a tree.
"I have to kiss her, don't I..." Marco groaned, answering his own question.
Okay, this is it, Diaz. It had to happen at some point, Marco told himself. At least nobody can make fun of me again for not ever kissing a girl before.
In a burst of confidence Marco called out to Star, causing the purple creature to drop Oskar's car and to fly over to him, agitated.
Is this thing technically a girl? Marco's subconscious asked.
"Maaaaarcooo." Star said as if in a trance.
Here goes nothing, Marco thought as he gently took one of Star's several hands, quickly pressing his lips against hers and then pulling away.
Her heart-shaped eyes began to glow brighter. That was probably not a good sign.
"Star...Star?" Marco asked, and she began shaking, flying around in a circle and crashing into the ground, a very confused blonde climbing out of a pile of purple hearts.
"Uhh, what happened?" Star asked, and Marco nervously backed up a little ways.
"Uh...nothing." he said. Star tapped her wand up against her cheek a few times in thought.
"'s only been six hours? I thought...but there's no way I could have just..." Star said, indulging in her ideas. "Well, Marco, someone must have...satisfied my Mewberty form." Star murmured.
"Uh...yeah, I guess." Marco said. Star's mouth fell open.
"Oh my Mewni...Marco." she said, holding her hands up to her mouth.
"I...I just hugged you! That was all you wanted!" Marco said, and he had half-expected Star to narwhal blast him.
"...Really?" Star asked. Weird, she thought, I seem to have this faint memory that he...oh my gosh...
"Y-yeah, that was it." Marco stuttered, trying to get the blush to fade from his cheeks. "Just a hug."
" saved me." Star said after a while, poking his chest. "I was a big scary monster and you weren't afraid of me! You weren't scared." Star smiled, poking him again.
"Uh...yeah, I guess." Marco said. "I knew it was you, and so I...I could never be scared of you."
"Marco!" Star said, enveloping him in a bone-crushing hug. "That was the nicest thing you've ever said to me!"
Star shocked both Marco and herself by placing her lips on his cheek briefly, and both wildly blushed.
"Thank you." Star whispered timidly.

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