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"Uh, it's too early for this." Star groaned, downing her fourth cup of sugar-drowned coffee. She yawned and rubbed her eyes as I pulled her into a one-armed hug.
"Good morning to you too, grumpy." I retorted, blowing into a little noise-maker and keeping her close as to prevent her from falling off of the roof.
"Yeah, yeah, morning." she mumbled, leaning onto my shoulder and closing her eyes. I counted down the seconds on my fingers as her perfectly-timed response occurred. " it morning?!"
"Congratulations, Sherlock." I teased her and got a well-earned punch in the arm.
"So why'd you wake me up so early anyways?" she asked. I shrugged.
"Oh, you know, just wanted to give you a present." I said, winking. She raised an eyebrow.
"Oh really?" she said slyly. "What, exactly, is this present, Diaz?"
I took her face in my hands as she leaned in closer during her not-so-subtle mockery. She let out a little gasp, and I turned her head gently to show her the sun slowly rising over the mountain.
We didn't speak for the entire sunrise, however when it was over she turned towards me with her mouth open.
"Earth magic." she said in a barely audible whisper, a smile inching its way across her lips. I looked down at my feet.
"Yeah, Earth magic." I said like an idiot. She giggled a little, and kissed my cheek, scooting away directly after.
"Thanks, Marco. That...that was amazing." she said quickly, and scrambled away while I sat in shock. I shook my head. She was my best friend, it was just a friendly gesture. Wasn't it?

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