I don't even know what this is

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God, Star, you just scared the h*ll out of him, I thought. I groaned, rolling over in my bed...onto a piece of pizza I'd forgotten to toss out maybe a week or two ago. Gross.
You chased him away, my mind says. Just like you did with Oskar, with Tom...
I tried to be calm and cool about it, I swear I did. I just...got excited.
I'm fifteen! I mean, come on, can you blame me? He put his arm around my shoulders, we were sharing a blanket and eating nachos and watching some weird romantic movie...god, Marco doesn't even realize what an adorable dork he is.
I tried.
I didn't succeed.
It was sufficiently the most awkward moment of my entire existence.
I had a stupid moment.
And I kissed him.
Not like, full-on-kiss, but like on the edge of his mouth all awkwardly and with nacho cheese all over both of our lips and it was quite frankly very slimy. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that Marco looked over at me, and I saw something I'd never really seen from him before.
I saw a glimmer of fear in his brown eyes. Marco, my fearless friend, was scared of me. He'd scooted away from me on the couch, and then when he thought I wasn't looking he ran upstairs.
Thinking I wouldn't notice.
But I noticed, believe me. I but my tongue- literally -to keep from calling out to him to come back.
He needs time, Star, for Mewni's sake you just kissed him, my mind told me. Well, I've been giving him space for about three hours and I'm getting a little nervous.
I took a deep breath, going against every moral I'd ever had, and went to knock on his door.
I didn't get that far.
He was right outside my door, and when I opened it I smacked him in the face with it.
Great move, genius.
"Ugh..." he groaned, falling to the floor. I dropped to my knees.
HELP HIM, you idiot!
"Marco! Are you okay?" I asked. He shrugged, rubbing his head as he sat up.
"Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark." he said, letting out a little chuckle.
"So...uh." he started again nervously. "Earlier...you..."
"We kissed." I said, looking down as I helped him to his feet.
"Uh...yeah. Why?" he asked. I let out a halfhearted mumble as I kicked my foot back and forth.
"I don't know..." I admitted, still looking down.
"Was it because you broke up with Oskar? I thought you were okay now." he said. "Or is it...you know...a girl thing?"
"No, and also no-" I said, shrugging.
"Did I...you...do you...uh...like me?" he stuttered, blushing. "Because I'm...flattered, I guess, but I don't...I can't...I don't want to..."
"No, it's not that either-" I replied.
"Did I give you the wrong idea or something?" he asked. "Because I'm sorry if I did, I know we were...you know, sitting close and sharing the blanket and..."
"Marco! Can you let me talk?" I asked. He became silent quickly. "I just...we were sort of cuddling and you had your arm around me and for a while your chin was on my head and-"
"Oh god, I gave you the wrong idea, I'm so sorry, Star." he said, and I narrowed my eyes. "Sorry." he mumbled, gesturing for me to proceed.
"I just got caught up in the movie. It was a romantic scene and I guess I...I felt like re-enacting it or something." I muttered, my feet becoming more and more boring by the second. Marco put a hand under my chin, tilting my head up so I was looking him in the eyes.
"It's okay." he said. "Best friends have weird moments."
"Y...yeah." I said, looking at the gold flecks in his eyes. Why had I never noticed those?
"Like, for example, if I was to...do this." Marco said, kissing my nose briefly. I blushed, punching him in the arm.
"You're such a dork." I retorted, to which he replied by taking my hand up to his face and kissing the top.
"Are you mocking me?" I asked, pretending to be offended. "Because, you know, two can play at that game."
"Really?" he asked, an eyebrow raised. I responded by quickly pecking his cheek, his face turning bright red.
"Yeah, really." I said. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some...erm...housekeeping to do in my room." I could smell the pizza from in the hallway. Ugh.
"One last thing, Princess." he said, pulling me into a hug. "Are we good?"
"Only if you help me clean my room." I said, and he rolled his eyes and covered his mouth.

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