So I came up with this at like 3 am

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"D*mn it, Diaz." the girl in the pink unitard said, looking at her other half. "Could you be any slower?" The boy in an almost identical red suit gave her a condescending look.
"Oh, I'm sorry I don't have frickin' rocket shoes." he grumbled sarcastically, adjusting his red and blue mask. "Now what's the problem here?"
the girl sighed, her blue eyes glittering in the dim streetlights.
"Well, genius, there's supposed to be a bank robbery across the street from here in...exactly an hour." her counterpart replied, earning him an elbow in the side.
"AN HOUR? Marco, why in the h*ll are we here an hour early?" she moaned. "It's freaking 3 in the morning."
"3:07, to be exact." Marco said. "And we're here in case they come early. In case you've forgotten, Princess, it's kin of our job to catch them."
"Yeah, in stupid skin-tight spandex suits in the middle of the fricking night." the blonde grumbled, playing with the end of her long high ponytail and keeping her bangs out of her pale blue mask. "H*ll of a job."
"Star, shut up." Marco said. "Just...just shut up."
Star put a hand on her hip. "Excuse me?" she said cockily. "Are you telling me to-"
Marco pinched her lips in-between his fingers. "Shut up." he whispered, looking around the corner of the alleyway. "They're here."
Star swatted his hand off of her face. "I'm not a moron, Diaz, and I know how to keep quiet."
"Then for god's sake SHUT UP." Marco hissed, and Star rolled her eyes, peeking around the corner next to her comrade.
The sixteen-year-olds peered around the corner, observing the robbers trying to pick the lock on the bank across the street.
"Idiots." Marco murmured.
"Hmm?" Star asked, looking up. Marco shook his head.
"They're total morons. All they need to pick a lock is a bobby pin, not one of those way over-complicated screwy lock picks that stick to the door. They're not even trying to cover their tracks. Their fingerprints are all over that thing."
Star raised an eyebrow at her friend. "Wow, Marco, is there something you're not telling me?" she whispered.
"Shut up, Blondie." Marco said, and Star proceeded to mock him under her breath.
"When do we go in?" Star asked after she finished mocking her partner. Marco shrugged.
"A minute and thirteen seconds after these dipwads open the fricking door."
An idea came to Star's mind. "Hey, how about we just cuff 'em now?"
"Don't be ridiculous." Marco scoffed. "We don't have handcuffs."
"But why can't we just get them now?" Star asked, and Marco looked down at her.
"I...never actually thought of that." he admitted. Star smirked.
"Wow, the brains of our operation turned out to be an idiot." she giggled, and they both jerked back behind the wall as the robbers looked over.
They were nose to nose as the alleyway was very narrow.
"Marco." Star muttered, her arms pressed up to his chest despite her will. "I didn't know you actually had muscle on that toothpick-body." she teased. Marco's hands were around her back as the only other option, he didn't want to think about it.
"Oh, I'm tiny? This comes from the girl who still wears a size 12 in the kids' section?"
Star stuck her tongue out, hitting his nose with it. "I'm a size fourteen, for your information."
"Oh, gross." Marco said, trying to free his hand to wipe her spit off of his nose.
Star peered down the alleyway again, noticing the idiots finally had gotten the door open.
"Hey, wadbag, they got the door open." she said.
"Wadbag? What the h*ll is a wadbag?" Marco asked, and Star squeezed out of the tiny confined space into the alley.
"I...I don't know, you?" she murmured as she tiptoed by the side of the wall.
"If I'm a wadbag then you're a drama queen."
Star furrowed her eyebrows. "I am not a drama queen."
"Yeah, you kind of are." Marco said, and Star gave him a menacing glare.
"How dare you! I swear to god if I didn't need your cocky-*ss help I'd-"
"You'd what?" Marco said, spinning her around to face him. "Tell me, Star, what would you do?"
Star felt her breathing get heavy. "I-I'd...I'd, uh..."
"Can't think of anything, can you? Actions speak louder than words, Princess." Marco said, walking in front of her.
Star stood there for a brief minute. Holy crap, I think I wanted him to kiss me, she thought, and immediately followed the thought with Oh GOD, gross!
"You coming?" Marco asked, and Star immediately turned and sprinted down the alley towards him noiselessly.
"Yeah, yeah." Star said, catching her breath. "Ready to go kick some *ss?"
"Oh h*ll yes." Marco whispered, his lips brushing against her ear.
As they got near the broken door they were careful not to touch anything, and as they walked inside they saw their first real threat.
A very, very large man guarding the hallway.
"Isn't it a little late for you kids?" he asked gruffly. Star winked at Marco, and he took the man down with a painful kick in the stomach, Star finishing it off by blowing itching powder into his face.
They quietly walked into the main building, and saw five figures with ski masks and burlap sacks in the middle of the room.
"Yo, *ssholes." Star yelled out, causing them all to look in her direction.
Marco groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. She did this every time...hadn't she learned anything?
"Oh look, it's Princess Starbright and her little sidekick." the shortest man said, taking off his ski mask.
"I have a name!" Marco protested.
"Then pray tell, what is it?" the tallest of the robbers asked.
"We're...uh, still figuring that out." Marco blushed, looking over at Star, who was still focused on the smallest man.
"Ludo?" Star asked, eyes blaring with hate. "I thought we locked you up months ago."
"Well, someone bailed me out, OKAY?" Ludo screeched, putting his bag of money down. The tallest of the bunch massaged his temples out of embarrassment.
"I know, right?" Marco said to the tall man.
"Come on, Ludo, this never works. Just get your little evil minions and GO HOME." Star said, hands on her hips.
"Why should I?" Ludo argued like a small child. He did resemble the part as well, barely four feet of height, a pudgy face, and of course his infamous light up sneakers.
"Come on, dude, you never win." Marco said, and Ludo sighed in mock defeat.
"Oh well...I guess you've got me...MINIONS ATTACK!!" he screamed, and the pair of teens stood in their fighting stance, Star ready with her plasma blaster and Marco ready to karate-chop some limbs off of some minions.
The battle was the easy part, and tying them all up with Star's super-speed shoes helped while Marco called the police to inform them of the robbery.
"You'll never get away with this, Starbright! I'll see to it that you never win again!" Ludo complained. Star counted the number of people tied, two, three, four, plus the guard in the hallway...hmm, was she missing one?
The tall, dark man stood on the ceiling observing it all.
"One day, Princess Starbright, all you love will be destroyed. The Vortex will see to it..." he murmured, adjusting his tie and clinging tightly to his bag of money as he walked out the door on the ceiling.
In a moment of excitement, Star pulled Marco in closer to her, grabbing his face in her hands and pressing her lips up to his. She saw a flash as her eyes opened, and Marco pushed her away in shock. "Starbright! Starbright!" the news reporters called out. "How did you do it? Was it hard? How many times have you bested them before? You know they call you Mewniville's savior?" Marco stood over to the side before Star pulled him in, claiming it was really all his work. A light blush dusted her freckled cheeks.
Then a question was asked where neither knew how to respond.
"Is this your boyfriend?" A reporter asked, her large camera around her neck.
"What? No!" Marco said, and Star grabbed his hand.
"Just play along so they leave us alone." she hissed in his ear. Marco sighed.
"I way, oh no, Star, they found out." he said in a falsetto tone, making Star giggle and blush.
Was this okay? We aren't even friends! Marco thought. We go to the same school, but that's it.
"AWW, you are SO cute." the reporter said. Star looked into Marco's eyes, which was considerably difficult as she was around seven inches shorter, and stood on her tiptoes.
"Is this okay with you?" she asked Marco, who found himself nodding that yes, it was.
Dear God, Marco thought, what if Star's boyfriend sees that picture? He'll skin me alive.
"Star..." Marco whispered. "Is Justin going to be okay with this?"
"Relax, he doesn't have to know." Star said. "It can be our little secret."
Marco sighed. He hated secrets. Mainly because his best friend Janna somehow found out about all of his and broadcast them to random freshmen.
"Please, just don't tell anyone." Star whispered.
Star hated Chemistry, and especially when she'd been up all night saving banks and kissing superheroes...oh god, she couldn't forget. She thought it would just go away, but seeing Marco a few tables over with his dorky glasses and his polo shirt just made her long for more. For a nerd he was a pretty good kisser. He'd be so cute if he wasn' nerdy.
She sighed, placing her head in her hands. Her pale pink makeup-covered eyelids began to fall, her long, dark eyelashes hitting her cheeks....
And then she was awake, and in detention.
Life could be so unfair.


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