Castle Oblivion

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I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. I standing outside a huge castle. The sky was dark, but light was penetrating through it. I was standing on a road, but when I looked over the edge, nothing was there. I felt something in my heart, like I was back were I belonged. Home. I walked to the doors and pushed them open. Walking inside, I noticed how empty the place was. And how white everything was. The floor, the walls, the pillars. Everything! I saw there was another door at the end. It was a light shade of yellow, so it stood out. I ran down the hall and up the steps to it.

"Woah, wait! You're just gonna run in there?!" I turned around and saw Hikari. She was back to her normal self, and not goddess-like.

"Why not? I'm already in here, so why not keep going?" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Fine," Hakari said. "But keep your guard up." I grabbed her hand.

"We'll go together," I said. Yami appeared and grabbed my other hand.

"Me, too." One thing noticed about them was the fact they both appeared and I wasn't feeling weak. Oh, well. No need to worry if it's not a problem. They pushed open the doors and we walked into the light.

Blinded by the flash, I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was...Sora, Donald, and Goofy. They were talking to a man in a black coat. The same kind of coat Braig and Isa wore.

"That's it! Who are you?!" Sora yelled at him, summoning his Keyblade.

"Wak! Heartless!" Donald yelled. "Oh yeah? I'll try some magic!" Did Donald really think he was a Heartless? Geez. And I thought I was slow. "THUNDER!" Donald yelled, swinging his staff. Nothing happened. "Come on. THUNDER! THUNDER!" He swung it around, saying," Come on. Blizzard? FIRE!"

The man walked towards them.

"Why isn't it working?" Donald said, baffled.

"I should think it's obvious," the man said. "The moment you set foot in this castle, you forgot every spell and every ability you ever knew." Sora, Donald, and Goofy looked at each other, confused.

"In this place, to lose is to find. And to find is to lose. That is the way in Castle Oblivion."

"Castle Oblivion?" Sora asked. The man was swallowed by darkness and disappeared. Sora rubbed his eyes. So. Castle Oblivion. Sounds creepy. But in a good way! Sorta.

The man appeared behind Sora. "Here you will meet people you have known in the past. And you will meet people you miss."

"I miss?" Sora asked. He looked down. Who does Sora miss? And who is this guy? Sora looked up, eyes wide. "Riku! You mean Riku's here?!" Woah, woah, wait. Riku's not here, right? He's back in my room! Wait. How did I get here?

"If what you want... is to find him..." the man said. He held out his hand, and wind blew against Sora, knocking him back a little. I noticed pink flower petals blowing in the wind, too. Okay. No comment. Sora held up his Keyblade to protect himself, but the man came at him. He actually went through Sora! Sora turned around and ran at him, jumping in the air and slicing down. The man disappeared in a burst of pink flower petals.

He appeared again in front of the door at the end of the hall. I swear if this guy doesn't just stay still...

"What'd you do?!" Sora asked.

"I merely sampled your memories. And from them, I made this," he said, holding up a card. "To reunite with those you hold dear-" He threw the card at Sora, who caught it behind his shoulder. Even I can't do that!

"What's this, a card?" Sora asked.

"It is a promise for the reunion you seek. Hold the card to open the door, and beyond it a new world." He pointed to the door behind him. "Proceed, Sora. To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose..." He disappeared in the darkness.

Trapped in Forgotten Memories (Kingdom Hearts)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora