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"I'm not tired," I said for the hundredth time. Laying on Merlin's bed, I heard Aerith shuffling around the room. I was staring at the ceiling, and my mind was wandering.

"Well, I'll sing you a lullaby," she replied. She walked over to my side, and started stroking my hair. She started humming a sweet sounding song, and I suddenly felt at ease. (It's Aerith's theme.) 

"But...I want to find out...what was in Ansem's notes," I said, yawning. My eyelids started to feel heavy, but I didn't want to fall asleep. I just had to figure out what Ansem was hiding for so long. What he was hiding about...me.

Lea had carried me back to Merlin's house, and Aerith was taking care of me. She had wrapped bandages around my legs, and gave me some potions. I guess a lot of blood was coming out of me since I had to be rushed back here. 

But, I was beat. When was the last time I took a nap? Giving in, I curled up and closed my eyes. Aerith's sweet voice was the perfect background, and wasn't long before I drifted unconscious.


I opened my eyes, blinking fast against the darkness. My eyes adjusted, and I sat up. I was still on a bed, but it didn't feel as lumpy as Merlin's bed. Feeling around, I got on my hands and knees and crawled around. Feeling the edge of the bed, I looked up. I heard shuffling in my direction, and felt my heart jump in my chest.

"Aerith? Is that..you?" I asked, hoping it was her and not a creeper.

"Who?" a voice replied. I jumped back, letting out a yelp as strong hands grabbed my shoulders. "Calm down, Akio. Jeez." The voice was relaxed and slightly amused. I stared in front of me, but couldn't seem to see anyone, not even the guy's hands.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to seem calm and collected.

"You don't recognize my voice?" he asked, sounding a little hurt, yet teasing. "Maybe you'll recognize this." Before I knew what was happening, I felt his lips brush across mine. He started kissing me softly, but pulled away before I could recover from my shock.

"Vanitas," I whispered. His glowing, golden eyes appeared in front of me, and I pulled him into an embrace. "Where have you been?" I asked into his shoulder. I breathed in his scent, and I felt him tense up at the question.

"Let's not worry about that now," he replied. "What matters is that I'm here now, and that we're together." I pulled away, and I reached for the pillow at the head of the bed. Grasping it in both hands, I swung it at his head, knocking him over.

"All I've been able to do is worry about you! Don't change the subject!" I yelled, standing up on the springy bed. A light turned on behind me, and I turned to see Vanitas was standing next to a lamp...my lamp.

With the light, I could see I was in my room back in Twilight Town...how did I even get here? Vanitas was wearing a new leather jacket, a maroon shirt underneath, and a dog tag on a chain around his neck. He also had a bracelet on each hand with bronze spikes on them and dark gloves. Jeans and some bronze sneakers completed the outfit.

Still clutching the pillow, I glared at him, trying to hide the fact that he looked gorgeous and I was staring. He looked over me, smirking. Suddenly embarrassed that he was enjoying my anger, I swung the pillow at him again, but he caught it, pulling me down. I landed on my knees on the bed, and he leaned forward.

I just glared at him, but my heart was beating faster just from being this close to him.

"So this is how you're going to treat me after I suddenly disappear?" Vanitas asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," I said, letting go of the pillow. I crawled over to the other side of the bed and sat with my arms crossed, staring straight ahead.

"C'mon, Akio," he said. He walked over to me, but I ignored him. "Don't be like that."

Trapped in Forgotten Memories (Kingdom Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now