Chapter 21: Friends with benefits

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Chapter 21

Lola frowns as Carlos chooses the silky midnight blue tie, the one that makes his steel grey eyes look even more beautiful in an ethereal sort of way. It's arguably her favourite tie of his and it certainly doesn't sit right with her that he's wearing it on his 'date' tonight.
"Not that one," she grumbles striding towards him and easing that one out of his fingers.
"What's wrong with this one?" he questions frowning in the mirror.
It's one of the first ones he's ever picked out himself and he loves that tie. It's his lucky tie. Plus he's always thought it creates the illusion of tints of blue in his eyes and makes them pop even more.
"Hmmm," she hums making a strangled mewling sound as she picks out a burgundy tie.
"This one is better-"
"I thought you liked this one?"
She pretends to ignore him as she unknots the former one and slides it off. He repeats his question again, but she carries on in her task causing him to cease her movements by taking her fingers in his hand.

"Lola, hey, what's going on?"

She blinks rapidly, trying to stop her silly thoughts running wild.
"Nothing," she murmurs under her breath, focusing herself on knotting the tie correctly.
"Lola...." He tries again, this time softer as he tips her head back to meet face-to-face.
Her dusty cocoa lashes curl down to her smooth, milky skin as she closes her eyes and inhales deeply.
"Piccola, this isn't a date. It's a meeting."
Her eyes flash open, the dark oak burning as it glares at him with not only anger but a tinge of what he dares to label as pain.

"Then why doesn't it feel like that?" whispers Lola, intending it to be more to herself.

His lips gently press to hers, kissing her chastely through the soft salt tears gliding down her cheeks. She breaks it resting her forehead against his and taking that sweet moment to embrace the feeling of him being there before she has to let him go.
"I promise you, I will not be marrying or engaging in any physical way with this girl. Trust me," he firmly states with as much conviction in those words as he can muster.

Lola is conflicted. She does believe him; his word is his honour and his promises are rarer than uncut diamonds. Yet on the other hand, that memory of his late night booty call pops to mind. Despite there being nothing substantial between them at the time, that feeling then of just absolute disappointment sticks to her like tar and imagining that now, when it would only be multiplied because of the magnitude of their relationship, places her on edge. No one wants to feel like that and with no one to fall back on, if Carlos does do something soul crushing, Lola especially doesn't want that.
But what can she do? Besides pleading him not to go?

 "How about you invite Joseph for dinner while I'm gone?" he proposes, the only fair solution he can think of at the time being.
Lola's eyes spark with confusion, a crinkle appearing at her eyebrows.

 She doesn't understand how that would be a good solution at all. The best one would be him not going tonight. Instead staying in with her, watching movies or as they've more recently done-documentaries, and enjoying some hot food.
She doesn't want to share that with Joseph. He's a handsome guy-sure-and an incredible chef but he's just a friend. Neither of them share any of that sort of feeling and even if they did, why would Carlos be allowing Joseph to take his place while he's gone? Is it some kind of ploy to ease his conscience? Load her off to Joseph while he integrates himself further into his family's graces?

"It's a trade-off Lola. I trust that you and Joseph will not cross a platonic line just as I will not with Eliza," he explains causing Lola to exhale in disbelief.

 It doesn't make sense at the start but the more she thinks about it, the more she's seeing the logic behind it and frankly, it's a little endearing. While she shares absolutely no romantic feelings towards Joseph, the company would definitely help keep her too preoccupied to be coming up with possibilities of what Carlos is doing on his date.
"Thank you...I-I...Thanks," she breathes, giving him a genuine smile.

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