Shut It, Sunshine

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A rare large grin appears on my face as I walked back across the Pavilion to William Solace. Oh my gods! What just happened? Should I have done that? What will they think of me no-

"Hey, Death Boy, infirmary is that way," Will says, pointing to a building that reeked of death, interrupting my thoughts. "Are you okay? I've never seen you smile so wide, it looks like your face is going to crack in half."

"Whatever, Solace," I muttered out, trying to calm the skeletal butterflies rising in my stomach. I huffed, not sure if I should be dreading these next few days or maybe a bit uncharacteristically excited.

"Does it have to be three days?" I whined, although I know it was more to keep up appearances than to get let out early.

Will looked appalled at the notion, and glared, a look I had never seen cross his face. "Of course it does! Nico, you are going to be taken care of whether you like it or not, okay? You have cuts and bruises all over, terribly deep eye bags, and from the looks of it," he pointed towards my forearms, "You seem to have hastily stitched up bite marks, very hastily stitched up, I might add." I had to hide my shock. I was wearing a long sleeve shirt. How did he pick up on those?

My usual frown appeared, as well as the trademark "death glare". The blond idiot didn't even back down, just kept frowning down at me. I tried again with even more venom, but that failed. What was wrong with me? I huffed once more, obviously having lost this battle.

Will, smiling victoriously, just grabbed my wrist, and before I could blink, was dragging me over towards the infirmary.

Voice low, I growled, "Don't - touch - me." Will quickly unwrapped his hand from my wrist and backed away a bit, hands up in surrender, as if he knew how the sky was exploding in my head. Surrounding campers must've heard me, because they turned to watch. Will quelled their curiosity with a quick smile.

He was glowing a calming shade of sunset orange, the very color of his demeanor. He had a good effect on people, made them feel at home (myself included).

"N-Nico...? Ca-can you hear me?" I shook the dust out of my eyes and swiveled them to Will's cerulean orbs. "Hey, buddy, you sorta blanked out there for a bit. Are you alright?" Worry creased his face and I found myself wanting to smooth out the wrinkle forming between his brows.

I swallowed thickly. "Y-yeah, I don't know what just happened."

He just shook his head, knowing that I wasn't alright, but didn't want to press the matter.

I crackled my knuckles, suddenly aware of the growing silence. "I-I'm really sorry, Will." My voice was squeaky and hoarse, and I looked down at my fingers, playing with my ring. I don't do apologies. "I didn't mean to snap at y-"

"No, Nico, don't ever apologize for anything, got that?" He interrupted me. Generally, I would be annoyed and would finish my sentence, but I found his seriousness, in a way, heartwarming. I looked up into his eyes.

"Nothing is your fault, absolutely none of it, okay? I get it, some people just aren't used to or plainly don't like physical contact and that's alright! Don't you dare ever apologize to me." Will's irises were fierce and piercingly blue. I felt as if I could see every nerve ending in them, they were so clear.

I let the words hang in the air, afraid to solidify that arrangement. He must've taken my silence for an answer though, because he grinned. Fire washed over my neck and face at seeing his smile directed my way. I put my hands over my cheeks and neck, trying to calm my previous anxiety over the suddenness of my wrist being grabbed. My fingers were freezing, but they somewhat remedied my flushing face.

The warmth radiating from Will's body was enough to melt the ice in my bones, and maybe, maybe even a little of the ice in my heart.

Will snickered at me, alleviating the tense mood. "I like your shirt."

I looked down at my ripped tropical Hawaiian button-up, and scowled. "Shut it, Sunshine." It's just 3 days. I'll survive, right?

i've rewritten this chapter how many times? really? 3 times? i'm sorry y'all.

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