Nico di Angelo is Also Very Gay

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The last thing I remembered was Will's joking smile, and my annoyance.
I thought what had happened was all a dream when I woke up. At first, the sense that came back the quickest was sound, then I could feel a little bit.

Everything was fuzzy. Fuzzy sounding, tingling feeling. So this is what it's like coming back to life.

Then I could feel heat, coming from the right of me. It was warm, and cozy, like Hestia's fire.

After a bit, I could move my eyelids, and, alas! I opened my eyes to see, William Solace. Sitting next to me on a foldable chair, looking uncomfortable.

His eyes had deep bags, was paler than usual, and looked like he needed something to eat. Thankfully, he was sleeping, so he didn't hear my tiny squeak of surprise.

Carefully and quietly, I took a look at the stitching job. It was done pretty well and the thread looked like it was hopefully going to stay in. I listened intently for any sounds of life. From the quietness of the infirmary, I guessed it was probably night or very early hours of the day. The nightstand by me had a plate of food and a note addressed to me.

Dear Nico,
I may not be there or may be asleep when you wake up.
If I'm not, eat this food! I'll know if you did, or didn't. Trust me.
I'll find out somehow.

It was a plate of pancakes, a bowl of fruit, and a glass of milk. Huh.

I moved the plate of food onto my lap, and slowly started to nibble the edge of one of the pancakes, and study the boy sitting beside my cot.

I looked at the plate in my lap, still full of food. Good thing I didn't really eat; Will won't know I was even awake. I slowly placed it back on the bedstand, so as to not drop anything.

Looking back towards Will, I smiled at the way the early sun hit his hair just right, making it look like spun gold. His freckles looked like flecks of paint splattered onto an easel. The nickname Sunshine really fits, doesn't it?

I remember during the war, he was wearing a Surf Barbados tee shirt. His body definitely matched one of a surfer's. Long and lanky, tan, with light hair. He was like a cat laying in the sun.

The butterflies in my stomach started to resurrect once more, feeling like they were going up my throat. I felt as if a skeletal butterfly might as well come out of my mouth. He looks so serene. So... Nope, not gonna go there.

Not again, nope, keep the gay to yourself. He's probably straight, anyways.

Will's eyelid began to twitch and I quietly slid myself under the covers just as he opens his eyes.

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