True Love

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"What." I flatly asked. Kayla looked at me and sighed, leaning her head on her shoulder.

"You know exactly what so don't give me that. You heard it too. You're Will's true love!" She smiled, enthusiastic enough for both of us.

"Will won't let me get near him, let alone kiss him! There's no way!" I let out a breath through my nose as she walked towards me.

She put her hands on my shoulders sympathetically, then shook me back and forth like a metronome. "You - are - his - true - love!"

"That doesn't matter now! Not when I can't do anything about it!" I stepped back out of her grip, trying to regain my head.

"Stop being so stubborn!" She took my wrist and dragged me behind her. Remind me not to get on her bad side. She let me flail behind her for at least 30 feet, until I dug my heels into the ground and tripped.

I glared up at Kayla from the ground."That was your fault." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Where do you think Will is?" She questioned.

"As if I know," I huffed. She glared at me and I mumbled, "Strawberry fields most likely. Unless he's still on that date with Mason. Then he'd be up on Zeus' Fist."

"Let's go up to the Fields first. There are more places to hide." She scraped some dirt from the ground and smudged to dry stuff on her face. It didn't work. She frowned as it fell off, and it reminded me of the time I caught Will, Lou Ellen, and Cecil hiding from the Romans.

A pang started in my chest but I swallowed it down. "Let's go."

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