Hell on Earth

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The camp has gone to hell.

And I've been there. This place seems like Tartarus compared to the Underworld.

Once Will and Mr. Snotrag announced they were dating, the entire camp went up in flames.

I wish I could say it was metaphorical flames, but no. The moment Will and Mason raised their interlocked hands to the onlooking crowd, Leo and Festus landed in the middle of the pavilion in a big, fiery, dramatic entrance.

But metaphorical flames worked as well.

After everyone had gotten at least one punch in on Leo and had pleasantries with his new girlfriend, Calypso, a lot of  strangeness went down. Hazel came over to me, wondering if I had any idea what happened, and how things would play out between Will and Mason.

"How should I know? I haven't seen Will for at least a week and a half, and then he all the sudden has a new boyfriend." I tried not to wince when I said that. Will's new boyfriend. Will's new boyfriend.

Hazel bit the inside of her cheek, brow furrowed, looking at me concernedly. I rolled my eyes at her and she sighed.

Letting my gaze travel over to the big metal dragon, my eye catches on the tension between Calypso and Percy. They both looked so awkward, a thing I thought I'd never say about Percy. Something obviously happened  between them.

Not caring to waste my time wondering, I looked back at Hazel.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm alright, really." Not satisfied with that answer, but relenting, Hazel gave me one last concerned look before walking away. I let out a sigh of relief, and
turned around to go back to my cabin.

Once inside the safety of privacy and cover from the rest of the world, I muttered. "It's not like he was my boyfriend." I laughed bitterly at the empty cabin. "After all, I am the one who avoided him for a week after I kissed him." As my words sunk in, I realized the extent of what I did.

"Oh, dios," placing a hand on my forehead, I continued, "He must have been so confused. I kissed him, I did, and then shut the door on his face."

I sat down on one of the bunks. "But he probably hates me now. I can't tell him why I did that. It wouldn't make any sense."

Laying down to stare up at the bottom of the top bunk, thoughts raced through my head, never slowing for a moment.

"Everyone who cares for me gets hurt. Everyone who I care for gets hurt. It's just logic." I tried in a feeble attempt to
calm the guilty feeling eating at my gut.

I sighed, rolling onto my side. I stared at the door, naively hoping that someone would knock. Naively hoping for a sliver of redemption.

And as if someone had read my mind, a tentative voice called from outside, fingernails scraping lightly on the door. "Nico?"

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