Chapter One.

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Authors Note) Y/N = Your Name

I pulled my hoodie tighter around me as the cold morning Dublin air nipped at my skin. My teeth chattered and my body shivered as I finally arrived to the main building on campus. I both loved and hated living off campus in my own apartment, but it made getting here in the morning a bit of a struggle. I pushed the doors open and hurried to the lecture hall. The hall was mostly empty, apart from a few people spread out along the rows of seats. I walk up the steps and took my seat at the back, at the end of the row. I pulled the small table connected to my chair across me and got my laptop and my notes set up, thankful that today was Friday.

Eventually the classroom started to fill up and the teacher arrived. "Morning, everybody." Mr. Sutton smiled as he put his morning coffee down and took his brown satchel away from around his neck. He clasped his hands together as he looked for a marker. Once he'd found one he uncapped the lid and began to write 'Of Mice And Men' on the board. Ah, a classic, this got me excited, having already studied the book for GCSE's in secondary school, and then once again when doing my A-Levels. "So, I'd like to assume that everybody here has already studied this book, yes?" Mr. Sutton nodded and in unison the 30 plus students mumbled a 'yes'.

"Okay, good." he smiled and drew a bubble around it, "Lets hear what first comes to mind when you hear this books title." he immediately points at Darragh who sits daydreaming at the front of the class. "Me?" Darragh asks clueless, pointing to his chest. "Yes, Mr. Daly, you." Mr. Sutton raises an eyebrow as Darragh sits up, "What's the question?" Darragh blushes and I stifle a small laugh at my clueless friend. "I asked you what the first thing you think of when you hear the book title Of Mice And Men?" he asks again and Darragh thinks for a small second before answering, "Racism." a small shrug following. "Yes, good, racism!" Mr. Sutton claps his hands once before drawing a line from the bubble on the board, writing 'Racism' in his impeccably good handwriting. Darragh turns his head to me and lets out a small laugh along with a shrug as if to say 'that was awkward' and I laugh, causing Mr. Sutton to turn his head around.

"Okay, Miss Y/L/N, what about you?" he raises an eyebrow, "What's the first thing that comes to your mind?" I chew the end of my pen a little as I think, "Friendship and loyalty." I reply, not taking too long to think about it. "Perfect!" he grins before drawing another line from the bubble, writing what I had said.

When class is finally over I pack all my things away and walk down to where Darragh and Sarah stand waiting, "C'mon slow coach, you're the one giving us a ride." Sarah laughs as I roll my eyes jokingly. "I could just let you walk, you know." I stick my tongue out at her as the three of us head to my car – Darragh taking it upon himself to get in the front as Sarah huffs jokingly and gets into the back. I back out of the car park and head towards Sarah and I's shared flat.

"So, where are we for tonight, ladies?" Darragh asks as I unlock the door, all of us piling in. I close the door and we sit in the living room, Darragh and I on the sofa, Sarah on the pull out chair beside us. "I thought we were just gonna head to O'Higgins?" I ask as I kick my feet onto the table positioned in front of us. Darragh groans and throws his head against the back of the sofa. "We always go there," he frowns. "Well where do you wanna go?" Sarah asks, cocking an eyebrow at him. Darragh sits up excitedly, "There's this new club opening downtown, Fantacy I think it's called, we should head there." he grins, clearly having this planned.

"How do you even expect us to get in?" I look at him confused, "I mean, if it's just the open night, surely we would have had to ring in and get on the list." I continue, crossing my arms as I look at him. "I know the guy who's brother owns it," he smirks at Sarah and I and we shrug, "Okay, make the call."

Once Darragh's called whoever it was he knew, we just chill for a while. "I'm gonna head home and get ready, girls, I'll meet you here at about ten?" he asks, and we nod before he shoots a wink at Sarah and leaves. "He's totally into you," I smirk as Sarah's cheeks get rosy. "No he doesn't..." she blushes harder, looking away from me. "Sarah, he's totally into you!" I laugh, "He's always flirting with you, and sending you winks." I smirk again and she stands up and laughs, "That's just how he is, you know that Y/N." she mumbles. "Yeah sure, Darragh's a flirt, but never like that with his friends," I wink and she rolls her eyes, her cheeks still red as she heads into her room to start getting ready, me doing the same.

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