Chapter Three.

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I groan loudly when I hear my alarm blaring and grab my phone to shut it off, but my eyes widened when I read what was on the screen 8:45. Fuck, I had slept in. I immediately get out of bed and run into my bathroom, peeing, washing and spraying under my arms as quick as possible. I quickly run back into my room and grab a pair of black leggings and a cream sweater, adding some cream pumps. I throw my hair up into a high ponytail and decide that today would just have to be a no makeup day. I grab my phone and keys before quickly exiting my flat. 

Immediately I get into the front seat of my car, putting the keys into the ignition. My heart stops when the car doesn't start, "C'mon, girl, don't let me down now," I beg, continuing to turn the key. "Shit, shit, shit!" I shout, hitting my fists off the steering wheel. I quickly get out of the car and lock it before running in the direction of my university. Right now, I honestly feel like crying as I stand impatiently on the sidewalk, waiting for the small man to turn from red to green. I look at my phone again and I sigh, it was already 9:15, I was going to be extremely late. When the lights change I run across the road and keep heading in the same direction.

About ten minutes later I'm paused at another light, waiting for the small man to turn green, however this time is taking a hell of a lot longer, and I'm extremely un-amused. "Y/N!" my head shoots up at the mention of my name and I look around, wondering who the hell was calling me, when my eyes finally land on Niall, his blonde head of hair sticking out from his Land Rover. "C'mere!" he chuckles and I walk at a fast pace to his car, getting into the front seat.

"Hey stranger," he smiles as I put on my seatbelt. "Where ya headed?" he asks, pulling out onto the road again. "Uni, wanna take me?" I chuckle and he nods, "Heading in that direction myself." he puts his window up and turns to me as we sit at traffic lights, "You're a little late, love." he raises an eyebrow, "It's half ten." he chuckles and I furrow my brows at him, "It's only half nine?" I question, pulling out my phone to show him. He takes a quick glance before focusing his eyes on the road. "It's half ten, Y/N." Niall laughs again and points to the clock on his radio. I look at my phone again and go into my clock. My eyes widen when I realise that I had changed the time on my clock instead of my alarm – also explaining why the hell I had woken up so late. I sigh, "Wanna take me home?" I frown, placing one leg over the other. "Well I could, or we could go get breakfast?" he winks and I nod, "Yeah, breakfast sounds great." I agree.

We pull up at McDonald's about ten minutes later, "Drive through or sit in?" Niall asks, "Drive through, the smell in there would kill ya," I raise my eyebrow and he laugh, "Drive through it is." he turns the car into the drive through lane, "What're ya lookin'?" he asks as we sit behind the car in front of us that's currently ordering. "Sausage and egg mcmuffin," I tell him and he nods, "Oh and a coke!" I add in quickly as we start moving, "A coke? At ten to eleven?" he laughs and I blush, "Shush," I mumble as he orders the same as me – minus the coke, replacing it for a coffee. 

"Your place or mine?" he asks as he pays for the food, handing me the bag and tray of drinks, "Who said we were eating together?" I smirk and he laughs, pulling out of the driveway, "Hey, no harm in a little company," he winks and I smile, "Yours, it's closer, less chance of the food getting colder than it probably already is." I tell him and he nods, heading in the direction of his complex.

I set the food down onto the small table in front of Niall's T.V and take a seat on his couch beside him as he pulls the food out, handing me mine. I really take the opportunity to look at him as he puts on the T.V, watching daybreak. He was absolutely breathtaking. I'll admit, Niall was quite skinny, but not in a horrible way, you could clearly see the definition of some muscles underneath his white t shirt, and his arms weren't incredibly small either. He was just nice, just right. I looked around what I could see of his flat, it was twice the size of mine and incredibly clean and well furnished... definitely not what you would picture for a single twenty two year old living on his own. "Y/N?" Niall calls, pulling me out of my trance. "Sorry, what?" I ask, not quite sure what he had been saying. "Yer dropping crumbs all over the carpet, love." he laughs and I blush.

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