Chapter Two.

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I shift slightly, banging against the body next to me, which causes me to wake up. I peel my eyes open and look beside me, Niall was still sound asleep. All of last nights events come rushing back to me and I can feel myself blush red. I quietly get up and rush into the bathroom, having to pee. Once I've done so I wash my hands and grab the packet of baby wipes that's placed on the back of the toilet. I look in the mirror and see just how bad I looked after sleeping in a full face of make up. I had an extreme case of panda eye.

I quickly use the wipes to remove any make up on my face and then grip the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. I look so pale... I sigh and think of ways I could get out of here without Niall waking up. I quietly walk out of the bathroom into Niall's room and remove the t shirt he had given my last night, I throw it onto the side of the bed I had slept on and change back into the dress I had been wearing last night. I exit the room as quietly as possible and lift my shoes and clutch, exiting the flat as quickly and quietly as I could.

I looked at my phone once I was out of the building and see that it's only seven in the morning, it was way to early to be standing in the street waiting for a taxi. I rub my eyes and sigh from relief when the taxi pulls up, I quickly get in and give him the address, heading for my own apartment building.

I unlock the door and walk inside quietly, sighing once I've closed the door. "Where the fuck have you been?" my eyes widen when I hear Sarah's voice and I slowly turn around to her, she stands with a hand on her hip, face bare and a boys oversized t shirt hanging around her small frame. "I went home with Niall." I mumble quietly and her eyes widen just as mine had done when I heard her. She grabs my hand and leads me over to the couch, sitting me down. "Tell me everything!" she grins.

I take a deep sigh, "We just made out and," I cringe a little before I continue, "he fingered me." A smirk forms on Sarah's lips, "Is that all you did, Y/N?" she raises an eyebrow and I hit her shoulder, "Yes, that's all that happened." I mutter. I decide not to tell her about the whole Niall wanting to teach me everything, frankly because I wanted to forget all about it, I didn't even want to look him in the eyes again, I was so embarrassed at everything that had took place.

"So what about you, hm?" I smirk, "What about me?" she raises an eyebrow, "Isn't that Darragh's t shirt? Y'know, the one he was wearing last night?" I smirk again and she laughs a little, blushing. "That would be correct," she bites her lip. "So you fucked?" I laugh and she nods, "We didn't fuck, we made love." she winks and stands up, "Oh my god, never say that again!" I laugh loudly and she winks before heading back into her bedroom - the one that Darragh was probably still laying in. I head into my own bedroom and change into some pyjamas, putting my phone onto the charger as I lay down in bed, going back to sleep for a couple hours.

The rest of my weekend consisted of nothing but studying and both Sarah and Darragh pestering me about Niall, and if I'm going to see him again. I had told them that it wasn't going to be a regular thing and that I had no intentions of ever seeing Niall Horan again. It wasn't that I didn't like Niall or that he did anything wrong... the moment was just that, a moment. I was interested and so was he, that was it, I wasn't going to let him give me any more of these so called 'lessons' and that was that.

Before I knew it, it was Monday again, which meant getting up early and assignments - great. I pulled my hair out of my face into a high ponytail, pulling down two thin pieces at the sides. I quickly applied a small amount of make up and headed out of my flat. Sarah and Darragh had met earlier to get breakfast and I was going to meet them later.

I parked my car in the parking lot that the university had offered to students and hurried into the school. I wasn't late or anything, it was just bloody freezing - as per usual. I headed to the small cart that was in the hallway and purchased a cup of tea before making my way to the empty lecture theatre where class was held. I go to the usual seat and pull the small table over my knee, placing my tea onto it. I cross one leg over the other and take out my laptop, glad that everywhere had free wi-fi these days.

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