Chapter Four.

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 I wonder aimlessly through the halls of uni, waiting for class to start – I hated being too early. I smile as I see Sean walk past and give him a small wave. It's been a few weeks since our kiss and we had sorted everything out; the kiss meant nothing to either of us and Sean was simply trying to rebound from Francesca, with whom he had actually gotten back together with. Eventually it's time for class and I enter the room, taking my usual seat.

I quickly finished my makeup and straightened my hair, backcombing it slightly. "Y/N, are you almost ready?!" I can hear Darragh groaning at the other side of the door and I laugh before opening it. "Yes, Darragh, I'm ready." I walk towards the kitchen where Sarah sits, a glass of white wine in hand. "Gross," I scoffed at her jokingly and she laughed, "Just because you're weird and only like red wine does not mean that white wine is gross." she winks. I pour myself a glass of red wine and gulp it down, it takes a lot of it to get me drunk, so might as well down it. I do the same with a second glass, then a third, forth... and the bottle is empty. "Taxi's here!" Darragh calls to us, standing at the front door. I quickly spray some perfume and run out the door, stumbling a little in my tipsy state. 

We walk into Fantasy and head straight for one of the VIP booths, glad that we had such a good hookup with this place. "Can I get you any drinks?" the waitress asks, pen and paper in hand. "Let's make this easy. A glass of red wine, a glass of white wine and a pint of cider." Darragh tells her and she nods, writing it down before bustling out of the booth. "You know us so well, Darragh." I chuckle and he nods, wrapping an arm around Sarah (who he had finally DTR'd with and was now in a relationship with) who laid her head on his shoulder. "Eugh, you two make me sick." I fake gag and Sarah raises an eyebrow, "We wouldn't make you sick if you and Niall hurried up and started dating," I still hadn't told Sarah of mine and Niall's whole arrangement, I just didn't think she would understand. "Things aren't like that with Niall, Sarah." I tell her and our drinks are brought in. I pick up my glass and down it, I needed to get drunk tonight.

A couple songs and a few more glasses of wine later I was hammered and on the dance floor, currently grinding on someone who was way too hot to be interested in me in the slightest. He was tall, tanned and had black hair. "You've got some good moves, babe." he mumbled in my ear, his British accent clear as he digs his lower half into my ass. To say I was turned on would be an understatement. "You wanna get outta here?" he whispers, his mouth leaving kisses along my neck. "Yes," I groan and he takes my hand, dragging me out of the club. "What's yer name, babe?" he asks as he hollers for a cab. "Y/N, yours?" I moan lightly as his mouth assaults my neck. "Zayn," he replies, sucking what was bound to be a harsh mark on my neck. 

I kick the door open to my flat and pull Zayn inside it with me, kicking the door closed again. We kiss the whole way into my bedroom and he throws me down onto the bed, ripping my dress from my body. Shit, what was I thinking? He probably thinks we're going to have sex... I immediately sit up and push him down onto the bed, straddling him. "Just using our mouths tonight," I mumble, leaving kisses down his neck, hoping he won't reject me because I don't want to have sex. "No sex?" he asks, extending his neck so that I have more room. "Not tonight..." I mumble, sucking a mark into his neck just as he had done to me. "Okay, babe, but I'll warn ya, m'pretty good with my mouth." he smirks and flips us so that he's on top.

I wake up the next morning, the body that was beside me when I fell asleep now gone and in his place was a piece of paper. "I had a great night, babe, you're pretty good with that little mouth of yours ;) didn't get your number, so here's mine, hit me up! ______________ - Zayn xx" A huge smile immediately takes over my face as I remember last nights events. Zayn was incredible, he was so mysterious and so sexy, and ugh the way he could use those hands and that tongue, it was unbelievable! I dial his number into my phone and save it. I don't think I'll text him though.... not yet anyways. The minute I save the number I get a text from Niall asking me to come over and hang out to which I agree.

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