Manuscript evidence

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Manuscript evidence means that if you look in any book from the same time period as the Bible it, at the very least, tells that Christianity was a belief. And that there was a person named Jesus who was crucified and then they couldn't find the body. Not all books say he resurrected for a few reasons, one being not everybody was a Christian and willing to admit that He was resurrected. And two, being not everybody saw Jesus after he resurrected such as Pontious Pilate. The books written from this time period will also tell you that there were disciples of Jesus such as John and Peter and that they died for their belief in Jesus. Manuscript evidence also goes into important events in Christianity. Such as in the years 200-300 when the first Bible translations were made/sold. Before this people had to rely on word of mouth and/or tiny parts of scripture. It also details people who were important in getting us the Bibles we have today such as William Tyndale. He died trying to get people to make copies of Bibles in all languages, because before this they only had it in 1 or 2 languages. When he was about to die because of the king he said "Lord open the king of England's eyes." And sure enough in 1539 only 3 years later, the king printed the first English Bible.

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