The USA is failing

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The United States of America has legalized gay marriage, marijuana and so many other things that are so against what God wants. Did you know that they are thinking of passing a law where women don't have to wear shirts when they are outside the house? That is ridiculous. I mean this sociaty is not at all doing what God wants. If God wanted gay marriage then why does he say in Leviticus 18:22 "do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable." Its clear as day right here. If God wanted women to walk around without their shirts on why would he say in Exodus 20 "you shall not commit adultery" and let's face it, that is obviously going to happen if women start walking around without their shirts on. The country needs to change. For God. If this culture had God as a cornerstone none of this would be in the culture. The world would be such a better place because all the crimes would be dropped, and everybody would have purpose in life. This would be a better world as a whole.

And as always I encourage you guys to leave a comment and start an argument with me because I have way too much free time lol.

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