Adam and Eve

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"Its one of the first things we learn as a christian we are all flawed and sinful, an aberration in the eyes of god; worthless and bound to an eternity of suffering by default just for being born. Why? Because 6000 or so years ago, a woman was tricked by a talking snake into eating a magical fruit. This indiscretion is now your inheritance, and as far as god is concerned, you are equally responsible." (ex Christian. Com)

Now this is a common reason why Christianity isn't fair, but God doesn't need to give us this trial because God is all knowing. And that means he knows that we would have done the same thing as Adam and Eve did in that circumstance.

And so its not unfair that "a woman was tricked by a talking snake into eating a magical fruit." And I know the comments are going to say "oh I wouldn't be tricked into doing that" but you would be. We don't know the level of temptation the devil used on Adam and Eve.

Now I'm going to talk about a different issue.

Now if you don't know who Lilith is believed to be basically Eve and Adam left each other and then God created Lilith (the vampire queen) so that they could still repopulate.

Now WHERE IN THE WORLD DO YOU GET THAT IDEA. This has to be one of the stupidest beliefs I have EVER heard in my life. I challenge you all to find this in the Bible... And if you can do that then I will believe it.

In fact if you can find ANYTHING that I have attacked in this book then go ahead and post it in the comments I would love to debate this with you guys.

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