Church and money

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Alot of churches pretend to use your tithe for the poor and stuff like that but in reality they use it to improve their house, get that new 60 in flat screen or get a 16 foot pool installed. But tithe is supposed to be use not for your personal stuff but for people or causes that need it

That's the whole purpose of tithe, and I'm sure that if everyone knew that's where the tithe was going they wouldn't give tithe. Because who in their right mind would? Church is supposed to be a place with truth and honesty not lying and deceit. Now I'm not saying that we need to act differently in church come as you are to worship. But you should always be honest and truthful.

And so the pic I put in I found on Facebook and said I need to use this somewhere this is probably all the updates for tonight but I might do another.

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