The Date

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  For the past week I have been looking forward to this date. I picked out the most perfect outfit. A blue blouse, blue ripped skinny jeans and dark blue heels. I curled my bangs back successfully and straightened the rest of my hair. I put on the necessary amount of make-up. It was perfect.

My phone vibrated and it was from Brent.

Brent : I am coming over in 10 minutes. :P

Me: Whenever your ready ;)

Brent: Okay babe.

  He called me babe!!! He called me babe!! Stay Calm.

  I put my phone and lipgloss in my purse quickly and sped down the stairs. I heard a knock and opened it quickly. Brent was looking as handsome as ever.

"Ready?" he asked eyeing me.

"Yes." I said smiling.

  As I walked out the door I realized he was holding something. I just didnt know what it was.

  "You look beautiful." He said as he opened my door. What a gentle man.

  "You look very handsome, yourself." I said sitting down and smiling at him. He gently closed my door and went to the drivers side.

  When we arrived at the movies we watched World War Z. It was a great movie.

  We left and went to my house. We ate dinner and talked about things.

  He is down to earth and loves animals. Like me. Most importantly he loves children. Thats what i am looking for. I just cant wait to tell him how i feel for him.


The next day-

  I woke up to find Brent not there but a note in his place.

Dear Tori,

Sorry if you are wondering where I am but I am at my apartment making videos for my subscribers. I will come over at 2 I promise.

Love, Brent

  I smiled and looked at my phone it was 1:26 pm.

  Crap. I ran to my closet as fast as I could and replaced my clothing with something comfy but casual.

  When Brent got to my house we went to the mall and met up with his friends.

"Tori meet Danny and Paul from The Exlamation Point Band." he said pointing to his friends. They both waved and said their hello's as i did the same.

  We walked around a bit and we finally left.

"So do you guys want to go swimming?" Paul asked while we were walking out the door.

"Sure" I answered quickly.

"Great." Danny and Brent said in unison.

  Once I got home I put on my bathing suit and fixed myself up for swimming. I ran downstairs and got into Brents car and we went to the nearby pool. We played and splashed around and acted like idiots. I think Paul was hitting on me but I liked Brent more and Paul just wasn't my type.

After we left from swimming Danny and Paul went their seperate ways as did Brent and I.

"You are beautiful." He told me once we were parked in my driveway. He kissed me before I could say a word and I pulled away.

"Tori I have to ask you something." He told me with worried eyes. I looked back at him and saw he was looking down at our entertwined hands.

"What Brent?" I asked. I was worried.

"Will my girlfriend?" He asked smiling. Thats the main reason I fell for him. His smile.

"Yes." I answered smiling and pulling him into a slow, passionate kiss.

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