Chapter one: Oh, My Little Sister!

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"Hey, Zayn! Could you make me a cup of tea?"

"Sure, Safaa!" I went yo the kitchen and put water in the kettle, lit the stove eye and put the kettle on. I was working at an web page when my little angel asked me for the tea so I turned back to work. Everything was so quiet. After a while io remembered about Safaa's tea so I went in the kitchen again to finish it.

"Sweetie! Come and drink your tea!"

"Thank you, Zayn! Can I stay here and watch your work while I drink this great tea you've made for me?"

"Of course! Just don't forget you have to wake up early tomorrow."

After the tea she went in her room. I finished my web page and went to sleep.

It was about 3 AM when I heard a huge explosion! Heard breaking windows, and a little girl screaming... and then... nothing.

I jumped out of bed to see if Safaa was fine. Opened her room's door and the only thing I saw was the broken window. SAFAA WASN'T IN HER ROOM, SHE WASN'T SAFE! I had to find her! I went to the livingroom and saw the kitchen on fire. What have I done?

"Safaa!!! Where are you, sis? Safaa?!" I approached the burning kitchen and I saw her lying on the floor. She was burned, she was hurted and it was only my fault! I haven't turned off stove eye! "Oh, my little sister! What have I done?" Safaa would die because of me!

I had to get her out of the kitchen. I had to try! She has to be alive! She can't leave me, she can't die!!! I took her in my arms trying to breath through the dense smoke. We went outside, I layed her on the ground. She wasn't breathing. I tryed to bring her back to life but I couldn't!

The ambulance arrived first. Our neighbours have called the police and the ambulace and the firefighters. They arrived after the doctors have checked Safaa.

A nurse came to me: "I'm sorry! There is nothing we can do!"

"You mean... she is ... DEAD?"

"I'm sorry!"

I couldn't belive it! My little sister was dead and it was my fault! I thought about how hurt my mom will be when she will find out. They will hate me! I killed an angel!


That was when I decided to run away so my family won't have to hate me for having to see the killer of their doughter every day. Anyway they must be hating me!

After all of this I came to Exter and now I live here, in a small rented flat. I work as an entertainer in a small restaurant called 'The Angel' so I can earn some money to live.

Since I came here lots of weird things happened to me. It's like I can see an accident before it happenes, or a murder, or a person getting hurt. This is freakin' me out so I'm not doing anything to prevent people get hurt. I'm just too scared to do something. I don't want someone else to get killed bocause of me.

Author's Note: I hope you like the story so far. I'm new around so it is a bit difficult to me and I might make some mistakes so forgive me if I do so.

I want to give my thanks to my friend Mary, for the great cover. Love you, girl! <333

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