Part 2.1

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(Previously: Space pirates breach the hull of the ship, and Vecto leaves to fight them. Meanwhile, Erich, Trip, and Cutlass hear the alarm.)

As Vecto left to fight the pirates, Erich, Trip and Cutlass sat in a now-hectic plaza as the ship's A.I. voice once again boomed over the intercom.

"I repeat, please return to the residential section of this ship. This is an emergency, but we have the situation under control," Sarah's voice reiterated over the intercom.

The ship viciously quivered again.

"Thar she blows!" Captain Cutlass blurted out. He wobbled to stand up and stumbled into Trip. "Arr, all hands on deck!" Cutlass yelled, lifting his "rum" in the air. "Drop the sails and anchor. Man the guns and ready ye-self for battle!"

"Wou-would you qu-quit the antics!" Trip said.

Cutlass was right. They couldn't just stand around and get killed. But they had no idea what happened. And by the sound of it, it was likely a collision rather than gunfire.

"So wha-wha-what are w-we going t-to do?" Trip stuttered to Erich, shifting his eyes around as multitudes of people rushed by in panic.

Erich observed the myriad of occupants dashing for the escalator and hiding behind tables. "You heard the lady," Erich said. "The civilians need to evac to their shelters. You two can leave as well, but I'm going to help them."

"I-I-I'm not leaving wi-with-without you!" Trip asserted.

Erich looked across his shoulder at Trip. "Then you two can come," he said as he rushed toward the elevator to direct traffic.

"Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" Cutlass cheered as Trip followed and Cutlass stumbled behind.

Erich, Trip, and Cutlass soon directed traffic into the heavily packed strip elevators, with all ramps switched to a downward motion. They helped the scared and confused to calm down and lessen their panic. They were now on the second floor, guiding the citizens until several guards in hover platforms finally rose to their level to help out.

"We appreciate the assistance," one of the Coronan guards said as he leapt off the platform. "Now please move along. We're taking over now."

"But wha-what happened to the sh-sh-ship?" Trip asked the guard.

"Nothin' to worry 'bout, kid," another said.

"If the ship has been breached, I can help," Erich offered.

The first guard looked over him and scanned his TAC. His face turned sour. "We have the situation under control, Mr. Botland. It's our duty to ensure the safety of all occupants, including you."

"But I can't just sit around and do nothing!" Erich argued.

He stopped as a woman rushed by in panic searching for someone.

"My baby! My poor baby!" she cried out, looking for her son.

Erich glared at the guard and ran to assist. "Ma'am, calm down. What's the matter?"

"My baby boy, Timmy!" the woman cried out. "I can't find him!"

"Where was he at the last time you saw him?"

"I-I don't know!" she said starting to cry in distress. "On the floor above is the last I saw him!"

"Just stay with the guards," Erich said, "I'll find him."

Cutlass and Trip ran over to help.

"Arr, need any assistance, me lad?" Cutlass asked.

(Although Erich, Trip, and Cutlass are away from battle, there are other ways to help people. Will Erich find the missing child, and are there any unseen dangers? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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