Part 6.3

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You can get the first book, Vecto: Vengeance, in print for half off, which comes to less than $4 if you go to here and use the code LJP7FTNH in the checkout. Also, this Saturday, May 14, 2016, you can get the Kinde ebook version of the book for free. Not only that, you can get this book, Vecto: Voyage, complete for 99 cents starting Saturday, which will run until the following Friday.

(Previously: Accura, far in the distance to avoid detection, strikes Vecto with bullets that could pass through his shields.)

"Mission accomplished," Accura said with a smirk, proud of her excellent shot. She had it aimed at his orb, and there was no way Vecto was fast enough to dodge them. All she had to do now was collect his orb's remains to collect her bounty. To be certain of his destruction, she zoomed in on his remains. Only-Vecto was standing there, looking directly at her.

"Blast it! How did he live?" She quickly sniped more bullets his way. But Vecto burst mud into the air, causing the bullet portals to stick to muck rather than his shields. They acted as an extra barrier for the bullets to pass through, causing the fourth bullet in the series to explode prematurely.

"I don't have time for you," Vecto said, knowing she couldn't hear him. He was rotating a barrier of black mud over him, sucking carbon from underneath him. It was by fortune that Vecto had some mud inside his shields as a carbon source when Accura fired her first rounds. Otherwise, he would have indeed been destroyed.

He zoomed in on Accura on the cliff in the distance, rotating the mud around him even faster as bullets splattered and blew up around him. When she ran out of ammo, Vecto launched the mud at her.

Accura quickly formed a shield over her arm as thousands of hardened mud particles splattered against it. The mud was slung at bullet speeds, rapidly slaughtering her sniper rifle at her side and pounding the cliff. She watched the mud bullets tatter the sniper gun to pieces. Then the mudslinging stopped.

Accura breathed heavily, despite the sedative still in her blood stream. The cliff could have been severely unstable. She had to be careful when sliding back from the cliff, as not to disturb the weakened structure. Slowly, she crawled backward, but she felt a foot strike her in the spine.

"Going somewhere?" Feit asked.

"Who are you?" Accura snapped back.

"I'd like to ask you the same thing."

While facedown, Accura quickly grabbed her handgun to her side and blindly shot in his direction.

Feit leaned back as the bullet grazed his face. It gave Accura time to roll away.

She spun to her feet and fired again, but Feit had kicked up a piece of the destroyed sniper rifle, grabbed it, and used it as a shield. Accura pointed the gun at him point blank.

"Drop the weapon!" she yelled.

Feit let the piece drop. "Why were you targeting that man?"

"That being is no man," Accura stated. "It's a machine wanted by Acaterran government, and it is my duty to destroy it."

"Well it's my job to watch it," Feit responded. He quickly grabbed the nozzle of her gun and detached it from the handle, disassembling the gun in front of her eyes. "You're coming with me," he said, spinning the gun nozzle in his hand.

But the sting of a sword's edge pressed against Feit's back. "Leave her alone," another voice demanded.

Feit turned his head see a boy from the corner of his eye. "And you are?"

"Chais!?" Accura exclaimed. "What are you doing on this planet? Wait, have you been-have you been following me?" she asked annoyed.

"Hello to you, too," Chais said sarcastically then looked at Feit. "Now drop whatever that is in your hand!"

"It would be in your best interest, sir, if you, too, dropped that sword," Feit said.

"Or what?" Chais asked with a smirk.

Feit dropped the nozzle and suddenly leaned forward. He did a back kick to knock the hilt of Chais' blade as he snatched the falling nozzle. He then completed the full turn of the kick and drove the gun nozzle up to block Chais' swing. The sword and nozzle clashed, but Chais flipped a switch and the blade divided into two, forming an "X." Chais quickly twisted his wrist, thrusting the sword from its side blade. The blade scraped Feit's tunic as he dodged.

"Both of you, freeze!" Accura yelled with yet another gun in her hand.

Feit and Chais stopped in their tracks.

She looked down at the cliff, which was starting to crack.

(Will the cliff collapse with them on it? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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